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Thread: pct delayed question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia

    pct delayed question

    I was away working a camp job. got home and was going to start pct of clomid the day I got home. Found out the bottle I had in the closet with the other meds got thrown out while wife was cleaning. I had them in a blank bottle and She didn't know what they were. My fault for not telling her I guess. I put in an order from ar-r on wed morn. But I am in Nova scotia and have to leave to go back to work out west on Tuesday evening. Will it get here on time and if not how bad will it be if I have to wait two more weeks to start . It was 14 days last wed since last pin. So it will be over a month before I get to start if they don't get here before I leave for camp. Not feeling good about this. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    OUCH!!!! Terrible planning. Def. not a good thing but I'm sure one of the vets will chime in. I'm curious if it would have been better to stay on cycle longer? Too late now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    Yah not so much planing but a **** up. My timeline was perfect to start pct the day I got home. However the ones I had on hand got tossed. This really sucks. May have to head to the doc out west see What they have to say.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    What was your 'last pin'?

    Do you have any orals to cruise on until your SERMs arrive? Proviron would be ideal.

  5. #5
    Shute!If I was you, I will go desperately looking for a quick source rather than waiting on shipment. At this point, money isn't an issue, what is important is getting a PCT for recovery and avoiding sides. Good luck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    my buddy has 30 nolva I can pick up tomorrow. Thank ****. its better than nothing. at least I may be able to cruise on those if my clomid doesn't get here on time.
    Last edited by Dobert; 09-07-2014 at 06:02 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    Quote Originally Posted by carbo View Post
    What was your 'last pin'?

    Do you have any orals to cruise on until your SERMs arrive? Proviron would be ideal.
    Last pin was just test e I ran it for 2 weeks after I cane off it and tren, I ran 500 test and 400 tren for 14 and just test e for 2 weeks after. and yah no orals, but my buddy has some nolva on hand I should be able to get tomorrow. right now its better than nothing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    My friend can't find his nolva yah I'm facked if that clomid doesn't get here before I leave.

  9. #9
    I have read several places that many guys choose to start their pct 24-28 days after last pin after a last pin of 500test e.. So, it may not b as bad as u think if yours is 30 days.
    I think i prefer 12-24 days after last pin of 300test e/week.
    Can u find some HCG in the meantime?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    I just got my hands on 4 weeks of Nolva, started today like 5 min ago. I will prob jump on my clomid the moment I get back from camp in 2 weeks and run it for 4 weeks and see what happens. Thanks for the information about 30days it makes me feel a lot better.

    Quote Originally Posted by mackbutter View Post
    I have read several places that many guys choose to start their pct 24-28 days after last pin after a last pin of 500test e.. So, it may not b as bad as u think if yours is 30 days.
    I think i prefer 12-24 days after last pin of 300test e/week.
    Can u find some HCG in the meantime?

  11. #11
    No worries. Folks, like me , also get a bit stressed out when they are not following the current status quo of something like pct regimen or ancillaries . In your case you could argue that in some ways your current plan/options or situation has some benefits to it ...I'd imagine. So , I wouldn't worry too much about it. And the positive is that you'll make sure you're prepared next time

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