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Thread: Help me plan a winter bulking cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Help me plan a winter bulking cycle

    OK, I'm starting to plan my winter bulker that I will start in either December or January and it will be a 12-15 week cycle. This will be my 5th cycle and I'm 38 years old. My stats:

    5'8" tall, 198lbs, 12lbs bf. currently on TRT at 200mg week test C, hcg, and Anastrozole.

    I'm thinking of running a highish dose of test E or C. I'm going to keep using my TRT dose and pharm grade but adding whatever I add. My last cycle was 750mg Test E (which I think was underdosed) 400mg Mast prop and at the beginning of it was running 500mg test E 400mg tren Ace and 400mg mast prop. I stopped the Tren because it turns me into a total jerk.

    I was thinking of keeping things simple and doubt 800-1000mg test c and calling it day.

    Any recommendations for another compound or a completely different cycle? I'm in the research stage now so any help is greatly appreciated. My goal is to get up to 220lbs and be able to maintain 5-7lbs of muscle from it

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    One of my favorites.
    Run it 12 weeks 500mg with your test at 14 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I haven't run Deca before. What would you run the test at with it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Deca 500-600 week
    Test at 300-400 week
    I usually use a oral for first 4 weeks
    Ai and hcg I never needed anything else just eat as much as I can.
    Also look at npp another good choice

    Here is link
    Nandrolone - Steroid .com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Awesome thanks for the info

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