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Thread: Brand Selection: Schering, Alpha or Geneza

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Boston, MA

    Brand Selection: Schering, Alpha or Geneza

    Ordering my first round of test in the coming days and I'm looking for some brand selection feedback. I will be ordering from one of the more popular sources known on the web.

    My first inclination is to go with the Schering Testoviron Depot but my understanding is that this is one of the most faked brands of test available. Beyond that Alpha Pharma seems to have a pretty good reputation and Geneza as well.

    Wondering if any of you guys have experienced anything with these brands that would tip me in one direction or another? If I go Schering or Alpha I will get amps to reduce the chance of counterfeits, Geneza only offers flip tops from what I can tell.

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S I have searched our board for existing info on these brands just hoping for some up to date opinions on the current state of these products

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    schering is pharma if real
    alpha is almost pharma if real
    geneza is bunk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Boston, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    schering is pharma if real
    alpha is almost pharma if real
    geneza is bunk
    Hey bro, thanks for the reply. Would you say my concerns of schering being heavIly conterfeited are valid? If so, would you recommend the alpha pharma as a safer bet? With either brand amps are what id be ordering.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    if you trust your source go the cheapest both are g2g.
    both can be counterfeit even UGL are counterfeit...

  5. #5
    Personally I'd go with Baltic Pharmaceutical. I've used it of recent and found it up there with Alpha but I picked mine up a little cheaper than said brand.

  6. #6
    I know the source your odering from. Well im sure most do. Ive used Alpha pharma and geneza from the source your looking at. So i cant speak about schering. Id say your safest bet would be Alpha Pharma. While im gonna get crap for this but thats ok. Geneza has never treated me bad either. But i only use there test C. Im on trt and have actually had my blood work done while on geneza test c. Bloodwork came back right where it should be on 200mg aweek. But that being said geneza seems to be getting alot of bad reviews lately. So thats why i said A.P. hope this helps.

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