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Thread: Do u keep strength on igf lr3 ?

  1. #1

    Do u keep strength on igf lr3 ?

    i have seen dramatic changes in strength in first couple days this thing is crazy im telling u

    im doing weightlifting tho

    Do u keep strength after the cycle ? what about gains do u keep them too ?

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Of course there is a slight drop in strength, but the gains on IGF1 I have found to stay, they are more mild than an AAS cycle, but great!

  3. #3
    what type of streangth gains have you seen on your maxes this stuff has been getting my attention lately

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    what type of streangth gains have you seen on your maxes this stuff has been getting my attention lately
    like i said i do weightlifting only

    However the Squat increased to an extra 25lbs, the jerk i added 30lbs... these are the mainly 2 exercises i paid attention to their numbers.. I saw the strength increase im telling u in the 2nd day !!! its like the Danabol feeling if u know what i mean

  5. #5
    haven't tryed dbol yet but sounds like something worth trying did u get it from ar r

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You'll get zero strength gains or any other gains and if you have experienced them you will lose all after the cycle has ended

  7. #7
    been doing some research on igf lr3 looking into getting some
    what dose are you running and are you pinning before or after workouts ?

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by l-carl View Post
    been doing some research on igf lr3 looking into getting some
    what dose are you running and are you pinning before or after workouts ?
    its useless inho and I don't know anyone who used it and continues using it. Its all hype and marketing to sell to the newbs, if you want something like that don't buy a poor mans alternative buy the best hgh

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    im not sure even medical grade igf1 has been clinically shown to increase strength, but you could probably recover faster and thus train more which would enable you to become stronger

  10. #10
    In my experience IGF-1 LR3 doesn't work.... Well it works but the second you dilute the vial, the compound decomposes, and have lost 80% of its effect in like 24 hours.
    I have diluted IGF-1 LR3 with both bac water, and AA with the same result.
    My reason behind this, is the first shot i did, was right after i diluted the vile, and the effects was very pronounced. The 2 day, almost no effect, the third day no effect, even on double dosage!
    I have injected 100 mcg without any noticeable effect what so ever, where the first shot i did was only 40 mcg. So yeah..
    I my opinion it's a complete waste of money, and wont matter at all if you inject or not.

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