So I was recently told about Ipamorelin as an alternative to Sermorelin/ghrp6/ghrp2 combo.
A wellness clinic briefly mentioned that they were having huge success with the Ipamorelin and suggested it over the latter and even HGH, since it would shut down natural production.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is it a crap peptide or is there some real merit?
Can this be run non stop or is it a cycle type of peptide?
I'd be generally looking for the following improvements;
-Better and more SWS, Stage 3 + 4 sleep.
-Improved Skin quality.
-Better sense of well-being.
What do you all suggest?
Oh lastly, how does the dosing work? is it done in the am and pm like the serm/ghrp6/ghrp2?
Thanks gentlemen!