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Thread: HGH and Blood test Q

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    HGH and Blood test Q


    I have been in 3iu for past 4 weeks on hopefully pharm grade HGH. To check or get an indication my gh is not totally bunk I have asked my doc to prescribe

    1. GH Serum test
    2. IGF -1


    1. Do I shoot my regular 3iu in AM and go for blood work at 2-3hr mark or do I increase the iu? I have been on it for 4 weeks so the IGF should be stable and high, not sure if pinning a higher IU will do any good.

    2. Is 2-3 hr mark OK? or do I need to wait more or draw blood earlier?

    3. Should I do a fasted test from the night before (12hrs atleast).

    Again this is only to check if there is good indication whether my gh could be good or total bunk.

    Any other points or recommendations?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    First, I would get my blood work done without the help from my doc (as I don't want record of profile being out of range). I don't see the need for dosing higher than 3-4iu, on empty stomach, in the AM as usual when testing for IGF-1. Your timing is on par imho, best of luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    First, I would get my blood work done without the help from my doc (as I don't want record of profile being out of range). I don't see the need for dosing higher than 3-4iu, on empty stomach, in the AM as usual when testing for IGF-1. Your timing is on par imho, best of luck!
    I've heard that most people inject 10 iu IM, 3 hours before drawing blood, on an empty stomach. Not sure why that is...any thoughts on this?

  4. #4
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I've heard that most people inject 10 iu IM, 3 hours before drawing blood, on an empty stomach. Not sure why that is...any thoughts on this?
    From my understanding that will increase the GH serum levels only and not the ifg1 readings. IGF test should be done after 4-6 weeks of steady pinning of GH.

    From some research I got that there a number of other peptides that can give the same effect of increased GH serum level. So this init self is not an indication of the genuine GH. Both GH and IGF is a good indication of real deal

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    From my understanding that will increase the GH serum levels only and not the ifg1 readings. IGF test should be done after 4-6 weeks of steady pinning of GH.

    From some research I got that there a number of other peptides that can give the same effect of increased GH serum level. So this init self is not an indication of the genuine GH. Both GH and IGF is a good indication of real deal
    Good to know. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2013
    Did you get bloodwork before you started for a baseline to compare how much the 3iu actually increases it for you?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    Did you get bloodwork before you started for a baseline to compare how much the 3iu actually increases it for you?
    This is one mistake I did. I should have got it done for the base line to compare against. But Now I am already into 5 weeks so I hope if IGF and serum levels are out of the higher side of the range then I can be good. For the second blood test I will have the baseline
    Last edited by ridedivefx; 01-04-2015 at 05:04 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    which hgh are you running?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Humatrope 15iu vials (5mg)

  10. #10
    I think a baseline reading would be great. Then again if you pin 5iu pharama HGH and draw blood in about an hour you'll get the results based on the 5iu. Just look at the GH Serum Test and IGF-1 is almost at the high limit or beyond the high limit you know you got good stuff. If it's down in the low limit your HGH's probably not so good.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I think a baseline reading would be great. Then again if you pin 5iu pharama HGH and draw blood in about an hour you'll get the results based on the 5iu. Just look at the GH Serum Test and IGF-1 is almost at the high limit or beyond the high limit you know you got good stuff. If it's down in the low limit your HGH's probably not so good.
    Roger that...another week or so and i will go for the test. Will pay the results here

  12. #12
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post

    I have been in 3iu for past 4 weeks on hopefully pharm grade HGH. To check or get an indication my gh is not totally bunk I have asked my doc to prescribe

    1. GH Serum test
    2. IGF -1


    1. Do I shoot my regular 3iu in AM and go for blood work at 2-3hr mark or do I increase the iu? I have been on it for 4 weeks so the IGF should be stable and high, not sure if pinning a higher IU will do any good.

    2. Is 2-3 hr mark OK? or do I need to wait more or draw blood earlier?

    3. Should I do a fasted test from the night before (12hrs atleast).

    Again this is only to check if there is good indication whether my gh could be good or total bunk.

    Any other points or recommendations?

    The IGF test should not be taken at the same time as gh serum test. The IGF test should be done 1 hour after you pin on an empty stomach.
    The gh serum should be at least 3 hours after you pin IM. If you pin SC you should wait longer, closer to 4 hours to draw blood. Most peptides will test high on the gh serum test if blood is drawn within the first two hours. By waiting until the 3-3.5 hour mark you eliminate the chance of it being peps. If you wait 3+ hours to get an accurate gh serum test you will not get an accurate IGF test since IGF will be on the decline.
    Also you shouldn't increase your gh dose just for a test. Since you are using 3iu/D you need to know how your body much IGF your are converting based on 3ius. What good will it do to pin 5 ius if that's not what you are using daily.

    I did a lot of IGF test from 2008-2010. GH serum test become more popular and the norm after that because questions were being raised of whether what we were pinning was gh at all.

  13. #13
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Kane View Post
    The IGF test should not be taken at the same time as gh serum test. The IGF test should be done 1 hour after you pin on an empty stomach.
    The gh serum should be at least 3 hours after you pin IM. If you pin SC you should wait longer, closer to 4 hours to draw blood. Most peptides will test high on the gh serum test if blood is drawn within the first two hours. By waiting until the 3-3.5 hour mark you eliminate the chance of it being peps. If you wait 3+ hours to get an accurate gh serum test you will not get an accurate IGF test since IGF will be on the decline.
    Also you shouldn't increase your gh dose just for a test. Since you are using 3iu/D you need to know how your body much IGF your are converting based on 3ius. What good will it do to pin 5 ius if that's not what you are using daily.

    I did a lot of IGF test from 2008-2010. GH serum test become more popular and the norm after that because questions were being raised of whether what we were pinning was gh at all.
    Good to know the timing difference between GH and IGF1 testing. I don't intend to do 5iu on the day of the test but just continue with 3iu as my standard protocol - thanks

  14. #14
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    Jul 2009
    HGH blood test - determine presence of analyte in the blood (doesn't require baseline readings)
    IGF-1 test - determine the bioavailability of drugs that increase IGF-1 (requires baseline readings)

    IGF-1 test is influenced by many factors including if you've been training or not, steroids, HGH usage, depression, other drugs.

  15. #15
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    May 2007
    So I finally got my BW done after 8 weeks on HGH at 3iu per day for 6 days a week

    Unfortunately I did not have the baseline but below are the result. Does it equate to real GH I am pinning?

    IGF-1 264.4 ng/ml ref 96.4-227.8 (flag: High)
    HGH 2.9 ng/ml ref range upto 3.0 (this exactly what is written


  16. #16
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx
    So I finally got my BW done after 8 weeks on HGH at 3iu per day for 6 days a week Unfortunately I did not have the baseline but below are the result. Does it equate to real GH I am pinning? IGF-1 264.4 ng/ml ref 96.4-227.8 (flag: High) HGH 2.9 ng/ml ref range upto 3.0 (this exactly what is written thnx
    really tells you nothing without a baseline. Nice igf numbers either way

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    really tells you nothing without a baseline. Nice igf numbers either way
    any one with experience of what typical IGF should look like for a healthy 37 year old. Assuming my gh is bogus does 264.4 ng/ml typical on many adults or rare to reach those levels naturally

  18. #18
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    May 2013

    I've done a couple of baselines tests. One came out high because i had been exercising 189, I know, stupid. The lower one I believe is my true baseline (129). The latter test was done when I was 38 years old.
    I also once tested at 150 but I was taking other meds at the time that may have impacted the results according to my doc. As you can see my numbers are all over the map.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    IGF Test

    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    any one with experience of what typical IGF should look like for a healthy 37 year old. Assuming my gh is bogus does 264.4 ng/ml typical on many adults or rare to reach those levels naturally
    My IGF-1 baseline was 149ng/ml. I'm over 50 years old. I took 4iu/day and did a test 10 days later. That test showed that my IGF-1 had raised about 20%, to 181 ng/ml. A month later, I took another test and it was off the scale, as the test I took topped out at 300ng/ml.

    I've taken a few tests and have found that I will get an increase of about 80ng/ml for each 1iu/day that I take, after about 30 days of daily doses.

    It;s my understanding that IGF-1 builds as you take HGH and it doesn't matter when you take you IGF test, you just need to allow about 4 weeks for the HGH to cause your IGF-1 to increase.

    It's an inferential test, because you're not measuring HGH, you're measuring the reaction your body has to HGH. That's my understanding of the IGF-1 blood test.

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