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Thread: First competition. Cycle good or no?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    First competition. Cycle good or no?

    Hello fellas,

    I'm currently on my first cycle ever of test/dbol. The plan for my next cycle is gonna be test/EQ/dbol. I plan on running it for 14 weeks landing me right on competition day at the end of the 14 weeks. Test e at 600mg a week, EQ at 400mg and dbol at 50mg every day week 1-4. Adex and hcg on cycle and clomid/nolva pct.

    I know 400mg of EQ isn't considered a lot but I am naturally very lean and ripped with low body fat so I think it will enough to give me the results I'm looking for. The plan is to bulk for the first half of the cycle and about 6 weeks out adjust my diet and training to leaning out and shredding for comp. I'm wondering if I should add any other compounds 6 weeks out to aid my cutting for the competition. Thinking a low dose of clen maybe? I figure once I start a strict clean diet the EQ and the food will do most of the work of losing fat but since my lack of experience, maybe I'll need a little more help to have a better physique. All input is welcomed! thanks!

  2. #2
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    I think its going to be a disaster. You are going to gain mostly water weight on dbol, drop it just in time for the tes e to kick in and then two weeks later you are going to cut......bad plan. You aren't going to gain any quality tissue in 6 weeks and the eq?????? Will be worthless. I think you will be very disappointed and should reconsider the whole cycle. Probably better off with an 8 week cutter.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I think its going to be a disaster. You are going to gain mostly water weight on dbol, drop it just in time for the tes e to kick in and then two weeks later you are going to cut......bad plan. You aren't going to gain any quality tissue in 6 weeks and the eq?????? Will be worthless. I think you will be very disappointed and should reconsider the whole cycle. Probably better off with an 8 week cutter.
    Well I took the water weight into consideration but I am not very susceptible to water weight. My main concern is putting some good weight on for that competition. That's why I chose you think I'm better off without it?

  4. #4
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    I don't think you will have solid gains doing it that way. Pick one ....cut or bulk and stick with. You will be dissapointed. Recomps (that is what you are looking to do) are not easy and you are not experienced enough yet to be successful at it.

  5. #5
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    I think you need to get some more cycle experience before you try having it land you right in on competition day. Your proposed cycle is terrible. Dbol?? Really? EQ is garbage!! I am pretty sure the judges will be looking for muscle separation, striation, vascularity and a hard dry look. Which you don't have yet. Certain compounds will do that for you. Test, Dbol and EQ are not those.

  6. #6
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    Let's see some pics. Nothing wrong with running dbol in the first part of a competition prep. The look you need will be obtained through diet.

  7. #7
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    dbol likes to add water to ya, id drop it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojm3 View Post
    dbol likes to add water to ya, id drop it.
    Did you read his entire post? He's running it weeks 1-4

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    i actually liked eq it made me really vascular and full looking, gave the muscles a rounder appearance while adding quality muscle. I would switch the test enanthate to test prop tho atleast 4 weeks before the competition and maybe add proviron with that prop. Just my 2cents

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Let's see some pics. Nothing wrong with running dbol in the first part of a competition prep. The look you need will be obtained through diet.
    I plan on the diet doing most of the work for dropping the water weight. I also noticed when I up the dose of adex a little bit I drop water fast. I'll get some pics in abit

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavlenko View Post
    i actually liked eq it made me really vascular and full looking, gave the muscles a rounder appearance while adding quality muscle. I would switch the test enanthate to test prop tho atleast 4 weeks before the competition and maybe add proviron with that prop. Just my 2cents
    Those are the results I'm looking for! Dense and vascular... I'll def get some prop and proviron.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gold43 View Post
    I think you need to get some more cycle experience before you try having it land you right in on competition day. Your proposed cycle is terrible. Dbol?? Really? EQ is garbage!! I am pretty sure the judges will be looking for muscle separation, striation, vascularity and a hard dry look. Which you don't have yet. Certain compounds will do that for you. Test, Dbol and EQ are not those.
    Thing is, it kind of works out that way since by the time i'm done with this cycle and pct and everything, once I start this cycle, I have 14 weeks exactly. I don't want to go too long between cycles you know

  13. #13
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    Sup op, going to throw my two sence in for you,

    It's important to read what compounds do what to your physique , we all know dbol puts on water but will the gains be sufficient to run it, probably not .

    What test are you running for the show ?
    I would personally not bothet with a bulk and just do a 10 week cut,
    I would also drop the dbol and use anavar for drying you out and hardness,
    If your keen on using eq I don't see this as an issue but will it be peaked at that dossage in 10 weeks ? Maybe ? Maybe not ...
    Also running test P insead of E is probably more advised if you want to start your cycle straight away.

  14. #14
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    Ok here's some pics. Nothing crazy. I'm finishing up my 4th week of test cyp at 400mg and dbol 50 (although I think I got scammed on the dbol)...Competition is in july 11th. I'm just brainstorming on how to come about this and want to stock up early. Here's where I stand now. 5'9 178lbs. I'm naturally a small dry guy so that's why I'm really focusing on mass.

    P.s. open pictures in a new tab to see them right side up
    Last edited by Bicep321; 01-04-2015 at 12:39 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haydenz View Post
    Sup op, going to throw my two sence in for you,

    It's important to read what compounds do what to your physique , we all know dbol puts on water but will the gains be sufficient to run it, probably not .

    What test are you running for the show ?
    I would personally not bothet with a bulk and just do a 10 week cut,
    I would also drop the dbol and use anavar for drying you out and hardness,
    If your keen on using eq I don't see this as an issue but will it be peaked at that dossage in 10 weeks ? Maybe ? Maybe not ...
    Also running test P insead of E is probably more advised if you want to start your cycle straight away.
    I hear ya man, take a look at my pics though. you can see I'm a pretty lean guy to begin with. I carb load all day every day and I still maintain a pretty lean physique. I'm just gifted in aesthetics but not so much in size. That's why I'm so keen on building mass

  16. #16
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    What comp are you doing, body building?

    I just think their are better compounds to run,

    I also feel you arent giving yourself enough time to really put on quality muscle that you will keep, you will be at a surplus for 6 weeks then a HUGE deficient the week next, its all about dropping the calories slowly , you cant go 4500 1 day and then the next drop to 2000, you will sacrafice muscle, and also a big hormonal imbalance from from the carbs/fats

    Im telling you this because Im in a 19 week prep myself for my show, I did 9 weeks of a bulk and now cutting for 10.

    Is this the first time you will be hitting 5/6% bf?
    Do you know how your body reacts under a strict calorie deficient?

    If this was me I wouldnt be rolling the dice, I would give myself PLENTY of time to taper down and see how my body reacts in my first show.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haydenz View Post
    What comp are you doing, body building?

    I just think their are better compounds to run,

    I also feel you arent giving yourself enough time to really put on quality muscle that you will keep, you will be at a surplus for 6 weeks then a HUGE deficient the week next, its all about dropping the calories slowly , you cant go 4500 1 day and then the next drop to 2000, you will sacrafice muscle, and also a big hormonal imbalance from from the carbs/fats

    Im telling you this because Im in a 19 week prep myself for my show, I did 9 weeks of a bulk and now cutting for 10.

    Is this the first time you will be hitting 5/6% bf?
    Do you know how your body reacts under a strict calorie deficient?

    If this was me I wouldnt be rolling the dice, I would give myself PLENTY of time to taper down and see how my body reacts in my first show.
    Yes, you would propose I start with test prop and EQ for week 1-4 then add anavar and begin diminishing nutrients week 4-14 continuing the test and EQ?

  18. #18
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    I would personally re structure all your compounds but it all depends on your cycle experience etc.

    What is your reason for running eq?
    Why a 14 week cycle ?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haydenz View Post
    I would personally re structure all your compounds but it all depends on your cycle experience etc.

    What is your reason for running eq?
    Why a 14 week cycle ?
    I am on my first ever cycle finishing up the fourth week right now. I'm looking to build a golden era bodybuilding physique. That is my main goal. I'm really attracted to the qualities that eq has for building thick dense muscle. and 14 weeks because by the time I finish this cycle i'm on now and I do pct I'm gonna take 2 weeks off of everything and then start the next cycle which is 14 weeks away from that point in time.

  20. #20
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    wait so you have just finished a cycle, and then you are only taking TWO weeks off, and starting again?

  21. #21
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    You look lean. Concentrate on growing and start diet and cycle 12 weeks out.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haydenz View Post
    wait so you have just finished a cycle, and then you are only taking TWO weeks off, and starting again?
    no I'm in cycle at this present moment and it will end mid February. 18 days later I will begin pct which will last 4 weeks. After pct is over I will take two weeks off and then jump on the 14 week cycle.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bicep321 View Post
    no I'm in cycle at this present moment and it will end mid February. 18 days later I will begin pct which will last 4 weeks. After pct is over I will take two weeks off and then jump on the 14 week cycle.
    With this approach you will eventually be on hrt. If you're okay with that...proceed.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bicep321 View Post
    no I'm in cycle at this present moment and it will end mid February. 18 days later I will begin pct which will last 4 weeks. After pct is over I will take two weeks off and then jump on the 14 week cycle.

    You aren't taking enough time off from your last cycle and giving your body time to recover , this competition is obviously an after thought and not your main objective , you need to plan your cycles around the competition if you are trying to be a serious competitor .

    Do the pct take 3/4 months off and find out when the next Competiton is and plan your cycles around that .

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    With this approach you will eventually be on hrt. If you're okay with that...proceed.
    yep. That's the big question for me right now. I have some time to decide. If I do pull through with my plan, I will be taking a good break afterwards. Hopefully there isn't too much damage done.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bicep321 View Post
    yep. That's the big question for me right now. I have some time to decide. If I do pull through with my plan, I will be taking a good break afterwards. Hopefully there isn't too much damage done.
    If thats a risk your willing to take, gl

  27. #27
    I would say; 1) running dbol for first 4 weeks should be fine. You have 10 weeks to "dry out". You'll look pretty puffy while on dbol. 2) definitely go with prop over enth. It'll hold less water and help with the dry look. 3) EQ will hold quite a bit of water and that's why you look bigger. Some of the water will be in the muscle (hypertrophy) and some of the water will be outside of the muscle (water retention). You won't have enough time to shed the water if you're going right into a show. Have you thought about running Mast? 4) Either run the dbol and drop the var or winny or drop the dbol and take var or winny (I prefer winny for leaning out). I wouldn't run two orals if possible. The weight gain with dbol will be mostly water and you'll lose most of it by show time anyways. If you run winny the last 4weeks to 6 weeks before a show you'll look pretty lean. 5) you could add clen/keto/T3 in place of the winny to cut. I wouldn't run both clen and winny. The last time I ran the clen/Keto/T3 combo I went from 14% bf to 10% bf in 3 weeks. It works pretty good if you do some cardio with it.

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