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Thread: New here! First cycle review

  1. #1

    New here! First cycle review

    Hey guys, I'm new on the site and generally new to this whole process aswell! At 212lbs and a first time user, I think I've got my first cycle lined out and was hoping for some feedback from some more experienced vet's

    10 week cycle,

    • Week 1-10 Testosterone-Enanthate 500mg per week from two injections, 250mg on Monday and Thursday
    • Week 11-13 I will take nothing and let the testosterone begin to clear out
    • Week 14-15 Nolvadex 40mg per day
    • Week 16-17 Nolvadex 20mg per day

    I'll also be on .5mg Arimidex every other day. Pretty basic cycle, but that's what I wanted to shoot for on my first go. Any suggestions/comments?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Looks solid. Height? Bodyfat? Traning experience? Goal?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    If I'm reading this right, you are waiting until 3 weeks after your last pin of Test E to start your PCT? PCT should start 14 days after last pin. Your PCT is pretty mild. Most will include Clomid along with the Nolva (I don't because I can't handle the sides). My PCT includes Nolva, Torem, and DAA.

    Also, please list your complete stats, including bf%, height, age, and training experience.

    Good luck with your cycle, and welcome to the board!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    At 21 years old you are at your testosterone peak, you will never get back to the same natural produced testosterone levels, why you want to risk a life of hormonal problems??

    Plz read this:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

  6. #6
    Thanks for the input! Only two weeks from my last pin will I start PCT, not three. I had read that taking both Nol and clomid is repetitive, but that may be completely wrong. Any suggestions based on my stats?

    6'0; 10%BF; 212lbs, 22y.o., heaving into powerlifting and strength training the past 5-6 years, always peaking at the same weights on my bulk phases.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Goose403 View Post
    Thanks for the input! Only two weeks from my last pin will I start PCT, not three. I had read that taking both Nol and clomid is repetitive, but that may be completely wrong. Any suggestions based on my stats?

    6'0; 10%BF; 212lbs, 22y.o., heaving into powerlifting and strength training the past 5-6 years, always peaking at the same weights on my bulk phases.
    Yes, to reiterate what Mr.BB posted above, here is my suggestion based on your stats:

    Please read the link that both Mr.BB and myself have posted. You will, more than likely, not want to hear it, but the truth hurts sometimes. By your other stats you've given, you have a descent base. If you're stalling in your strength, then you need to address either diet or training. As mentioned above, your natural test levels are at their peak right now; why would you want to screw that up? Save the cycle for a few years down the road. I could go into detail as to why cycling at your age is a terrible idea, but the link I posted says it all. Please read it.

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