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Thread: shut down from deca

  1. #1

    shut down from deca

    I have been on test e (2 cc/wk) for a while and decided to run 1 cc/wk of deca with it but after a few weeks on deca my sex drive almost completely dissappeared. I stopped the deca and tried using cialis but the cialis don't do anything. I have used cialis many times with great results so it's weird that it don't work now. I can stay hard for about halfway through sex but then lose it. Been this way for about three weeks now. My GF is a bit unhappy but thankfully she is being very supportive. At first I was questioning my gear so I had a blood test done and my test level was 1169 and my estrogen level was 15. Any suggestions? Or do I just have to let the deca run it course in the body? From what I've read deca takes a long time to dissipate. I can be patient enough to let the body clear it out,, just wish the cialis would help. Current stats: I'm 45yo, 210lb. and approx. 10% bf.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by greensuperbee
    I have been on test e (2 cc/wk) for a while and decided to run 1 cc/wk of deca with it but after a few weeks on deca my sex drive almost completely dissappeared. I stopped the deca and tried using cialis but the cialis don't do anything. I have used cialis many times with great results so it's weird that it don't work now. I can stay hard for about halfway through sex but then lose it. Been this way for about three weeks now. My GF is a bit unhappy but thankfully she is being very supportive. At first I was questioning my gear so I had a blood test done and my test level was 1169 and my estrogen level was 15. Any suggestions? Or do I just have to let the deca run it course in the body? From what I've read deca takes a long time to dissipate. I can be patient enough to let the body clear it out,, just wish the cialis would help. Current stats: I'm 45yo, 210lb. and approx. 10% bf.
    nandralone decanate will take some time to clear. My guess is that your prolactin levels have increased and you needed caber or pram. How many mg of test are you running each week? Your number from your labs seems pretty low if that ng/dl? 2cc doesn't tell us anything if we do not know what your gear is dosed at
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 01-26-2015 at 03:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Prolactin was the first to pop in my head as well! With your numbers(E2) 15 is fine... Leading me to believe it's prolactin, as Nandrolone being a progestin without a DA(Prami/or Caber as stated above will lead to a rise in prolactin which in return could cause manny different sides(gyno & ED being the two most probable - IMO)!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    How much is 2cc in mgs?
    How much is a "while on test"?
    How much is a "few weeks on deca"?
    What else are you taking? Ai? Hcg?

  5. #5
    I ve been on test e for about six months. My job got very busy and I didn't have time to workout like I should so I just stayed on to keep from losing gains. Was on the deca for approx. a month. I added the deca after I got back in the gym again. My test is 250 mg/ml. Those are the only two things I was taking. I didn't have the sore nipples or anything so I wasnt really concerned about running anything else. I ran across Ronnie Rowlands post on loading and deloading every eight weeks to reset the CNS and allow myostatin and cortisol levels to normalize, I decided to go completely off everything for a couple of weeks after the deca shut me down. I titrated down to half and then went off the test. Its been almost two weeks already and all my muscles are sore. Will going off for two weeks normalize my prolactin levels? I want to go back on because I have the next two months off from work and wanted to make a few gains. My blood test (for testosterone) was a week after I titrated down to half so I was surprised it was still that high.
    Last edited by greensuperbee; 01-26-2015 at 05:49 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    How old are you? Are you willing to end up on trt? You need to really consider coming off and recovering your natural test production

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    6 months is a long time for a cycle , 500mgs of test e is a lot to be without AI

    You need full blood work, what was the free test? Also check prolactin.

    Take BW when you are not roller coasting the test E, roller coasting does nothing to you IMHO.

    What is your blood pressure?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    6 months is a long time for a cycle , 500mgs of test e is a lot to be without AI

    You need full blood work, what was the free test? Also check prolactin.

    Take BW when you are not roller coasting the test E, roller coasting does nothing to you IMHO.

    What is your blood pressure?
    Yeah, I guess your probably right. Maybe I just need to start my PCT? I don't remember the numbers for my blood pressure but the nurse said it was just a little over normal. If my prolactin is high,, will it go down on it's own if I start PCT?

  9. #9
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by greensuperbee
    Yeah, I guess your probably right. Maybe I just need to start my PCT? I don't remember the numbers for my blood pressure but the nurse said it was just a little over normal. If my prolactin is high,, will it go down on it's own if I start PCT?
    have you been running hcg or Hmg?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    How old are you? Are you willing to end up on trt? You need to really consider coming off and recovering your natural test production
    So you've been blasting for six months(not even getting the gains you've set out for)...w/no AI, No DA for the Deca(caber/Prami) no hCG I'm assuming... No wonder your having this problem...

    6 months is double the standard cycle(12wks), snd shorter cycles are becoming more popular! Because it's easier to recover from!

    I hope you haven't done any permanent damage! But I would definitely start an

    aggressive PCT w/both clomid and Nolvadex!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    yeah buddy,its time for pct.....

  12. #12
    Thanks for all the help guys, really apreciate it. Started my PCT last night. Is nolva best split between two times a day?

  13. #13
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by greensuperbee View Post
    Thanks for all the help guys, really apreciate it. Started my PCT last night. Is nolva best split between two times a day?
    No need to split nolva.

    What PCT protocol are you using?

  14. #14
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by greensuperbee
    Thanks for all the help guys, really apreciate it. Started my PCT last night. Is nolva best split between two times a day?
    what is you pct? Compounds, doses and for how long?

  15. #15
    350 iu of hcg ed for 10 days, 40 mg nolva/ 2 wks , 20 mg nolva/ 2 wks. Don't have clomid but if you guys suggest using it I will pick it up. Its only a day away after I put in the order.
    Last edited by greensuperbee; 01-27-2015 at 01:05 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by greensuperbee View Post
    350 iu of hcg ed for 10 days, 40 mg nolva/ 2 wks , 20 mg nolva/ 2 wks. Don't have clomid but if you guys suggest using it I will pick it up. Its only a day away after I put in the order.
    Def get yourself some clomid.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2015
    Sex drive and erection issues can be caused by numerous things. Everyone will respond differently to anabolics and duration of use. Deca and Tren are natorious for destroying people's sex drive. Me personally, I would rather be massive than have a high sex drive anyway

    A good PCT like the guys have mentioned above will work wonders. Being 45 years old though, you may find things a little harder to restart, but not impossible.

    Best of luck mate

  18. #18
    Somehow I knew you guys were going to rule in favor of clomid so I already got it coming What can I expect in regards to high prolactin? I didn't get the prolactin tested when I done my bloods but assuming it's high, will it go down while on pct?

  19. #19
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by greensuperbee View Post
    Somehow I knew you guys were going to rule in favor of clomid so I already got it coming What can I expect in regards to high prolactin? I didn't get the prolactin tested when I done my bloods but assuming it's high, will it go down while on pct?
    If you are worried about prolactin you can get some cabergoline or some pramipexol. Prolactin has no role on mens bodies (that I know of) so there is no problem taking it, except for possible side effects like ussual.

    This reminds me i need to take my half dostinex pill (cabergoline). My gf buys it easy in pharmacy without prescription, its a med used by some women to regulate period and other prolactin related issues.

  20. #20
    Thanx. What dose do I need of the caber or pram and for how long? Is it something I should just run with my whole next cycle as prevention?

  21. #21
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    Apr 2008

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