I have read a lot of articles concerning the use of hcg through cycle rather than before pct,my main concern though is desensitising the leydig cells due to prolonged use,any info on that?
I have read a lot of articles concerning the use of hcg through cycle rather than before pct,my main concern though is desensitising the leydig cells due to prolonged use,any info on that?
What prolonged use? Are you planning on staying on longer than 90 days? Actually there are a lot of people that use it year round with TRT, low dose of course but about the same as people who cycle. I believe the studies that showed desensitising the leydig cells were doses over 500iu. The same studies showed 250 iu EOD had no desensitising the leydig cells.
I keep it very minimal these days, once ew , 250iu's on friday.
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Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
follow this advice. The risk of desensitation is caused by over stimulating the testies with higher doses of hcg or from lack of stimulation going for long periods of time on cycle with no use of hcgOriginally Posted by kelkel
But trt users dont even have to bother about their natural hormone production,right?
At 250ius twice a week it won't effect in a negative way. It's the super high dosages what are used for prolong use what can.
Correct but the hcg helps keep everything working, thinking it is producing test because lets face it, one thing will effect 10 others. You dont want to just turn off your test production and think adding synthetic test will make everything like it was before. The body is complicated and we are still learning how it works and how one thing effects another.
It wasnt long ago we didnt think men needed estrogen at all but have learned that's not even close to the truth. Unfortunately most doctors are still living in the dark ages about that.
Even though you are not producing test you want to keep eveything working so it will restart quicker and easier. Using to much HCG will over stimulate things and could cause a problem but using more short term seems to be OK, a lot of people use HIGH (5000iu a week or more) doses short term for fertility and I think all studies have shown low dose has no negative effects even long term.
run it at 250 iu 2 x ewOriginally Posted by fitguy
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