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Thread: cheque drops ????

  1. #1

    cheque drops ????

    Anybody ever used cheque drops???? I've tried about everything out there with tren being my all time favorite for strength gains..... But I've been hearing a lot of talk from my buddies and they say cheque drops are the shit for heavy lifting any insight ? Not neccarily planning on trying them just curious and would like to know more sounds like good stuff but as like any aas I'm sure it's got it's negatives!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    What's up Jaybird, i don't personally have experience w/the Cheque drops but have a look at the steroid profiles(it's listed... Might be a lil older but has some good info on it! Very Hepatoxic, only should run w/test or a stack(obviously), and its very Ababolic(I'm on mobile but I think it's like 5.9x more anabolic than test and a 2.5x greater androgenic than test).... Raises aggression w/a short half life of 6 hrs so taking it b4 a w/o is ideal for strength gains b/c of increased aggression(if already aggressive might not be the best compound if one can't handle the sides....

    Take a read on it in the steroid profiles...
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-06-2015 at 08:06 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    What's up Jaybird, i don't personally have experience w/the Cheque drops but have a look at the steroid profiles(it's listed... Might be a lil older but has some good info on it! Very Hepatoxic, only should run w/test or a stack(obviously), and its very Ababolic(I'm on mobile but I think it's like 5.9x more anabolic than test and a 2.5x greater androgenic than test).... Raises aggression w/a short half life of 6 hrs so taking it b4 a w/o is ideal for strength gains b/c of increased aggression(if already aggressive might not be the best compound if one can't handle the sides.... Take a read on it in the steroid profiles...

    Thanks bro appreciate the help wish I could get some insight from people with personal experience but it seems like this compound is Few and Farr between

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jaybird0202 View Post
    Anybody ever used cheque drops???? I've tried about everything out there with tren being my all time favorite for strength gains..... But I've been hearing a lot of talk from my buddies and they say cheque drops are the shit for heavy lifting any insight ? Not neccarily planning on trying them just curious and would like to know more sounds like good stuff but as like any aas I'm sure it's got it's negatives!
    I used it years ago and have worked with several folks who have or still
    use it like powerlifters,,mma fighters,,boxers..etc..
    One of the biggest complaints is gyno appearing quickly.

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