Please send the fukin word out, i would like to not have to waste all of this product. Bear with me here, as I am going to have a lot of info to put down. Please, I would really like some help with this.
Let me first say i do not believe this is a sterility issue, and the source i procured these compunds from was recommended to me by several people. I have used their tb500 with no issues. If you would like to know what the source was, i will share it if it is permissable.
Started ghrp2 and mod grf 1-29 (no dac) a few days ago, dosing 100mcg 3x per day. First couple injections, fine, no problem. I am pulling the ghrp2 and mod into the same insulin pin, injecting subcutaneous. Then I started getting red, itchy, hard lumps under the skin post injection at the site where I am pinning. BUT ONLY 1/2 OF THE TIME. Aka, I will inject one time, no welt, then come back for my next dose and end up with the welt after that injection. I always sterilize with alchohol pads, always make sure to not use a bent needle, new needle each time, pinch the skin, inject, let the skin go, stable the pin with the other hand. Inject slowly, pull the pin out quickly, place the alchohol pad back over the site and hold it there for a few seconds. For example, this morning I pinned in the oblique (sub q) no welt. Just pinned in the thigh, welt. What the fuk. The other welts I have stop itching and are no longer red after about five minutes, but if I run my hand over the site I feel a hard lump under the skin.
What am I doing wrong? I do not believe I am allergic to the bac water, as every other thing I have injected with it does not do this, mild itching at most. I would understand just having an adverse reaction to the mod grf, but why only some of the time?
Will the lumps go away? One has been there for about 3 days now.
I am not going to pin again until I figure out what the hell is going on. I do not believe the potential benefits of this product outweigh having strange absesses all over my body.
Does anyone have experience with this? I know this has happened with other people, and I have researched this as much as I can online amd through other forums.
Thank you so much for any and all help!