Hi, everyone. First off, I want to apologize if I'm not posting this in the right forum. I'm a new user, and I've been training for a few years now. 6'4", 215lbs and 13% bodyfat. I'm looking into doing my first cycle, but do not want to start until I have a proper plan/PCT in place as health is my foremost priority. I'm only 23 years old, but have a total test level of 212. Free test is at 18. So, legally, I can be prescribed test. The guy who would be a liaison for me with a plastic surgeon recommends the following cycle:
Week 1-10
300 mg test 1 x week
100 mg anavar every other day (comes in 100mg capsules)
Week 11-15 HCG
Week 11-18 Proviron
I see many things wrong with this. Pharma grade, so I kind of understand the low dose of test, as I've emphasized how I want this to be as safe as possible. But I've read 400-500 would be more ideal. He also claims you can run Anavar indefinitley... but I seem to think that's not prudent as it suppresses natural T somewhat and is an oral.
Further, I've read that many discourage the use of proviron and hcg for a post. He says Clomid/Nolva aren't necessary because the cycle isn't very strong.
What it seems like to me is that this guy is trying to set "clients" up for long-term "service" without their knowing by creating a dependence on these substances. I'm inclined to believe this due to his advised PCT, or lack thereof. Also the fact that he says Anavar doesn't need to be cycled. Both of which would suppress natural test. Am I correct, or simply being overly paranoid. Would you guys please advise?