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Thread: First Cycle Questions - Looking Tips from Experienced Members

  1. #1

    Question First Cycle Questions - Looking Tips from Experienced Members

    Hello forum steroid family , i'm looking for some help from experienced members of forum about my first cycle , i have some questions and some points that i want to understand better.

    Stats =
    - Age 26 (the age you see on my profile is when i first joined forum (Join Date 11-03-2011)
    - 178 cm
    - 160 lbs (73 kg)
    - 5 year of body building
    - Body Fat around %10
    - Arms 38 cm after workout
    - Max Bench Press ( 180 lbs) 82 kg x 6
    - Max Barbell Curl (65 lbs) 30 kg x 6

    Since it is my first Cycle i think about running Test Enathante only. My FIRST aim is to keep myself healthy as much as possible and my SECOND aim is gaining muscle.

    1-12 Week 500mg Test Enanthate/week. ( a question about this below)

    PCT : ONE WEEK after last injection of Test. HCG 2500 iu every 5 day. (7500 iu at total in 10 days) (last injection wait 5 days first injection of HCG wait another 5 days 2nd injection wait another 5 days and last injection of HCG. )
    ONE DAY after last injection Clomid at 75/50/50/50 mg with Nolvadex at 40/20/20/20 mg for 4 weeks.

    My questions :

    1)First Time Cycle Test. Ent. which is better for me ALSO considering my health + better gains 8 weeks ? 10 weeks ? or 12 weeks ? (since test ent. is a long ester)

    2)Since it is my first cycle should i take 250mg /week or 500mg / week ?

    3)How should be my injection days for 250mg /week or 500mg /week ? (monday and thursday?)

    4) Should i run Primobolan Depot 200mg / week with my Test Enth. if not why ? (HPTA suppression?)

    About PCT:

    1)Should i run Nolvadex with cycle ? or start running after my last injection ?

    2)HCG dosage is enough ? should i start HCG after 2 weeks from last injection or one week? (Rich Piana for example says that you should take HCG while test. ent. is leaving your system. BUT i also read you should start taking HCG after ester fully cleared from your system ? i m confused.

    3)HCG - Clomid - Nolvadex enough for PCT ? (do i need Proviron too?)

    4)Clomid and Nolvadex dosages are okey ?

    Nutrition Program: 6 MEALS = 223 grams of Protein

    1)Before Breakfast : One Scoop of Whey

    2)Breakfast: 5 egg whites + 2 whole eggs + 50 grams of oat meal with honey and cinnamon + 50 grams of cottage cheese + 2 patatos + 3 spoon peanut butter

    3)Before Workout :150 gr of Meat/chicken/Fish/turkey breast + BROWN rice with salad or yogurt or green vegetables

    4)After Workout : 1.5 Scoop of Whey + dried grapes

    5)Dinner : 200 gr of Meat/chicken/Fish/turkey breast + WHITE rice with salad or yogurt or green vegetables

    6)Before Sleep : 100gr of cottage cheese + almond and nuts

    Total of 223 grams of Protein Daily

    Thanks so much for reading and helping me about my first cycle. i appreciate your support guys !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken

    AI? HCG should be run on cycle not blasting at the end(outdated and will hinder your recovery - as its a suppressive and aromatizes)... It's all in that link(sticky)

    Don't run anything else but test only as you don't know how your body will react and if sides occur you won't know what compound is causing it)

    I would suggest checking our diet section out and eating more... If you want to be 200lbs then you gotta eat like one etc


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Tes e @ 500 mgs for 12 weeks.... Optimal
    AI on cycle ...adex .25 eod
    Hcg on cycle 250 ius twice a week
    Pct clo @. 100/50/50/50 and nov 40/20/20/20.

    Standard first cycle.....tried and true, no need to add other compounds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Everything including dosages are in the link PLANNING AND EXECUTIBG MY FIRST SUCCESSFUL CYCLE...

    AI doses, hCG and PCT...

    Buster has laid it out for you but it would still be in your best interest to educate further... As we can all improve on that...


  5. #5
    Uhm first thanks to your replies. So just to see if i understand everything right ^_^

    BEST first time cycle would be :

    500 mg of Testesterone Enantahte/Week for 12 Weeks

    FOR AI : I start using Arimidex .25 every other day (for example i take monday and i don't take tuesday and i take again on wednesday etc UNTIL cycle is over)

    HCG : I start taking HCG 250 iu twice a week(500 iu/weekly) from First 1st to 12th week.

    PCT: I don't take any Clomid or Nolvadex DURING CYCLE and AFTER 2 weeks after LAST injection of Test Ent. i start taking Clomid and Nolvadex
    100/50/50/50 mg/week and 40/20/20/20 mg/week for 4 weeks.

    And does it matter if i inject twice a week for example MONDAY 250mg test e. + 250 iu HCG and THURSDAY 250mg test e. + 250 iu HCG or just go and inject 500 mg test e. + 500 iu HCG at once ? since i can't do my injections alone.

    BTW thanks a lot Buster Brown and NACH3 for your tips. people here trying to help me and writing comments by taking their time means a lot to me. i'm going to listen your advice and do EXACTLY as you say.
    Last edited by Artichoke; 04-18-2015 at 01:13 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Artichoke View Post
    Uhm first thanks to your replies. So just to see if i understand everything right ^_^

    BEST first time cycle would be : just keep on reading and educating yourself...

    500 mg of Testesterone Enantahte/Week for 12 Weeks

    FOR AI : I start using Arimidex .25 every other day (for example i take monday and i don't take tuesday and i take again on wednesday etc UNTIL cycle is over)

    HCG : I start taking HCG 250 iu twice a week(500 iu/weekly) from First 1st to 12th week.

    PCT: I don't take any Clomid or Nolvadex DURING CYCLE and AFTER LAST injection of Test Ent. i start taking Clomid and Nolvadex
    100/50/50/50 mg/week and 40/20/20/20 mg/week for 4 weeks.

    And does it matter if i inject twice a week for example MONDAY 250mg test e. + 250 iu HCG and THURSDAY 250mg test e. + 250 iu HCG or just go and inject 500 mg test e. + 500 iu HCG at once ? since i can't do my injections alone.

    BTW thanks a lot Buster Brown and NACH3 for your tips. people here trying to help me and writing comments by taking their time means a lot to me. i'm going to listen your advice and do EXACTLY as you say.
    Very pro-active that's good!

    You'll want to continue your AI through the clearing process... For test e it's 14 days after last pin Start PCT.

    Take HCG up to 3 days prior to starting PCT... You want to take it e3.5d or say Monday am and Thursday night.... You can certainly mix it w/your test... Or pin it subQ w/a slin pin

    Everything else looks on point...
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-18-2015 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Keep educating

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Very pro-active that's good!

    You'll want to continue your AI through the clearing process... For test e it's 14 days after last pin Start PCT.

    Take HCG up to 3 days prior to starting PCT... You want to take it e3.5d or say Monday am and Thursday night.... You can certainly mix it w/your test... Or pin it subQ w/a slin pin

    Everything else looks on point...

    Oh yes i'm sorry i edited it to PCT : 2 weeks after last injection but i think i edited while you were writing your reply ^^

    ''Take HCG up to 3 days prior to starting PCT... You want to take it e3.5d or say Monday am and Thursday night''

    FROM the thread you said.

    it says HCG week 1 to 12.

    Sorry my bad i think =) when i read ''Hcg on cycle 250 ius twice a week'' and ''HCG should be run on cycle not blasting at the end'' i thought that i will start HCG from 1 st week of cycle and use it until the end.

    So this means My cycle is 12 weeks. my PCT is starting at 14 th week right ? (after 2 weeks of last injection) so HCG 3 days before starting PCT means that i'm going to inject first HCG in 14th week just 3 days before i start Clomid and Nolvadex ?

    in other words i cycle for 12 weeks i wait 11 days i start HCG and after 3 days of HCG, i start taking Nolvadex and Clomid cus it makes 14 days from last injection of test e.

    i'm sorry my english is not the best i think there is a problem cus of my english skills
    Last edited by Artichoke; 04-18-2015 at 01:43 PM.

  8. #8
    Oh man '' Take HCG up to 3 days prior to starting PCT... '' UP TO means that : Keep taking HCG for 12 weeks then stop taking it just for 3 days before starting PCT ?

    i think everything is clear now ? ^^

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    No don't wait any length if time... Just keep the same pinning schedule w/your HCG throughout the cycle(from wk 1 to 3 days prior to PCT)...

    Lol I was writing again

  10. #10
    a little message in your private message NACH ^^ i just have an educative question to learn better

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