Finally i think its time to heaten things up. Rigth now im on 10 mg lgd and 12,5 mg mk677. And i have been running a trtrdose. 6 weeks and im pretty close to my normal 8 weeks roidlevel.
But, i wanna take it far this time so i added 50 mg prohormone H-Stane (Halodrol) today. I will fade out the lgh i think. Bloodwize it was pretty ok two weeks ago, hct ok, BP ok, total test 1100 ng/dl, but hdl was a bit low. So i think its a good thing to stop the lgd now.
A bigger concern is that i have run out of test. My dude said it was 100% ok, but hell no...his man ****ed up.
So now i go forward without test and i dont like that but ive done so many cycles without test as a base and its acceptable.
So, it will be two weeks with Halodrol now, then 4 weeks with masteron and finally i throw in superdrol all weeks in desember. I will continue the mk677 for the nest 4 montsh i think. During pct also.
Im 118 kg rigth now and fats are melting. My goal is to come in and rock this town for christmas:-)
Flaming is welcome indeed!