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Thread: second cycle: test e again or add deca?

  1. #1

    second cycle: test e again or add deca?

    Hey everyone

    Ran a test e 500mg weekly cycle in the past PCT'd recovered fine. I want to bulk up to 205lb this winter. Then I plan on running tren over summer with low dose test. My question was this:

    I am prone to hair loss. I lost decent hair from 500mg test weekly. I have proscar now but I know most people say not to use it with deca so these are my options:

    Test e 750mg with proscar at 1.25mg ED
    Test e 250mg with deca 400mg alone
    Test e 500mg with deca 400mg alone

    1) Would test e at 750mg yield more results than 250mg test e and 400mg deca or would they be around the same?
    2) I know some people don't recommend low dose test with deca, could I still put on 15lb (the same as my first test e cycle) with option 2 or would I need either option 1 or 3? I'm planning on eating 4400 calories daily.

    I put on and kept 16lb with my first cycle. I want similar results on this one before I cut up over summer so I needed some help deciding which would yield more results. Thank you!

    Will have prami or caber on hand just in case (not sure which one yet, I hear caber is more preferred but can cause heart problems long term).
    Will be doing 100mg b6 ED prophylactically
    I have aromasin and letro on hand.
    Last edited by plifet; 10-18-2015 at 07:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If you run deca at 400mg i wouldnt run test at 250mg

    I and many others prefer test to be dosed higher than deca, deca is very suppressive on the libido

    If i were you id go test 500mg again, or maybe 650mg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    First of all your goal is not very realistic, unless your body fat increases dramatically or you have fantastic genetics you will not get 20lbs of muscle.

    Regarding the hair loss, if you are prone aas will speed up the process regardless of proscar. Personnaly I would be carefull of using finasteride at 24, as dht pathways are still stabilising and the only gain is hold on to a few hairs. Side effects can be harsh at a sexual level.

    IMO would do another test cycle 500-600mgs and evaluate from there. If you are still gaining from test only cycle you would avoid the harder shutdown from deca.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    I wouldn't run another cycle at all at 24. Hopefully you recovered from your first one in full. I would just keep lifting hard and have a good diet. Keep reading on here because there is a ton of info on this site. In a couple more years I would run a test only cycle. I know its now what you want to here at all. In the long run you will be glad you waited.

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