Hey everyone
Ran a test e 500mg weekly cycle in the past PCT'd recovered fine. I want to bulk up to 205lb this winter. Then I plan on running tren over summer with low dose test. My question was this:
I am prone to hair loss. I lost decent hair from 500mg test weekly. I have proscar now but I know most people say not to use it with deca so these are my options:
Test e 750mg with proscar at 1.25mg ED
Test e 250mg with deca 400mg alone
Test e 500mg with deca 400mg alone
1) Would test e at 750mg yield more results than 250mg test e and 400mg deca or would they be around the same?
2) I know some people don't recommend low dose test with deca, could I still put on 15lb (the same as my first test e cycle) with option 2 or would I need either option 1 or 3? I'm planning on eating 4400 calories daily.
I put on and kept 16lb with my first cycle. I want similar results on this one before I cut up over summer so I needed some help deciding which would yield more results. Thank you!
Will have prami or caber on hand just in case (not sure which one yet, I hear caber is more preferred but can cause heart problems long term).
Will be doing 100mg b6 ED prophylactically
I have aromasin and letro on hand.