First I will post some minimal background. I'm a 34 year old male who has been athletic since junior high school (say 20+ years now). I first started dabbling with weight training for football as a 13 year old, but didn't do it seriously until I was about 20. Body type has changed over the years. At 17 I was 5'10" 130lbs @ 7% body fat. After joining the military I lifted fairly regularly for about a decade and was 220 lbs by 26 @ 14% body fat. Time went on and at some points I lifted, at others I ran distance for long stretches, and by last November (34 years old) I was 186lbs as about 14% body fat. Photo below is 3 months ago.
I like competitive athletics (tough mudders, crossfit grids, etc) and had great endurance but my strength has lacked for some time. I reduced my cardio 3 months ago and began lifting more. At the beginning of my cycle on February 3rd, 2016 I was 202 lbs. At the time of this post (February 14th) I have pinned 4 times with 1.25ml test cyp dosed at 200 mg/ml (pinning on Wednesdays and Saturdays because everything got here on Tuesday and I didn't feel like waiting). This morning on an empty stomach I am 216 lbs. I've lost all of the definition in my stomach but it's still tight. I feel like I "look" fat at the moment but I cant pinch anything... Thus water retention is high. Two days ago I set a bench PR at 320 lbs and yesterday I back squatted 300 (working on getting the legs back for weights vs distance running). My lifts are going up very fast... Adding 10-20 lbs every three days it seems (literally) and feeling good. Arms, legs, and chest have swelled tight and are holding it for days. It's only taken 11 days to go from no comments from people to having most people I ran across make comments yesterday. A few asked if I was on anything... That surprised me. So, with this long a$$ story out of the way I will post stats:
Inventory on hand:
Six 5ml Vials of Test Cyprionate dosed at 200 mg/ml.
Four 5000iu bottles of HCG
90 Tablets of Anastrozole
Thirty 51mg tablets of Clomid
Six 27mg/9ml bottles of Semorelin Forte Plus
Lifelong prescription for Finasteride (5 mg tablets quartered to 1.25mg).
Rogain foam twice a day (for the same reason I take finasteride)
A few hundred insulin syringes. A few hundred 1" 25g syringes. A hundred or so 18g drawing needles. All the alcohol swabs your heart can handle.
Other supplements:
Drink 3.5 grams of Creatine Monohydrate and 1.5 grams of Creatine HCI at breakfast
Take a B Complex Vitamin each morning providing 100% to 6000% of B1 - B12
Take 2.2g of Amino Acids each morning.
Take Glucosamine Sulfate each morning.
I will keep this area short. I sat down and worked out the macros from brown rice, sweet potatoes, pork chops, eggs... etc. I cooked enough of all to last more than a week and froze it all in single serving sized Tupperware containers. I don't follow a set schedule of this at this time and that at that time that I repeat every day other than the fact that I eat a cup of egg whites for breakfast each morning. Otherwise I simply watch macros. I've been hitting about 325 g of carbs, 280 g of protein, and 100 g of fat each day. I also use meal replacements such a protein powder and bars in between solid food meals and during/after workouts. I probably get 120-150 grams of protein a day this way.
10 days prior to starting I ran bloodwork twice in the same day (8 a.m. and 4 p.m.)
Serum Test was 710 ng/dl at 8 a.m. and 352 ng/dl at 4 p.m.
IGF1 was stable at 211 both times.
I will run labs again in 2 weeks and post cycle.
Protocol: (Beginning February 3rd)
Testosterone Cyprionate (12 weeks): Wednesday and Saturday 1.25 ml at 200mg/ml for 500mg a week. (Funky thing here. I have measured perfectly for each pin but at my 4th pin I had 1.8 ml left in the 5 ml bottle. I used that all for my 4th pin on the 13th. So I got a 110 mg surplus at my 4th pin. I guess the bottle was just a little too full).
Anastrozole (.5 mg) every third day.
HCG: Reconstituted the 5000 iu vial with 2 ml of bacteriostatic water. Dosing with 10 units from an insulin syringe M-W-F (250iu per pin) 1" left of right of my belly button. Will stop one day before the last injection of test.
Clomiphene (51mg tabs) for PCT. Will start 2 weeks after last test shot with 1 tablet per day for 7 days and then 2 tablets per day starting at day 8 through week 3.
Semorelin Forte Plus: HGRH with HGRP2 and HGRP6. Now, this stuff is making me hungry as can be. Night cravings are insane due to the HGRP6. Still, this is a long term daily pin that I intend to keep going for as long as I can afford it or until I die of old age... I have decided against letting my body decrease release of HGH as I age.
Finasteride (1.25mg): Every morning like clock work. On days I pin I get a little twitchy (figuratively) and might take 2.5 mg just because I know I am getting a surge of testosterone that will start being converted to DHT.
Any weird experiences so far:
Well, I was going to wait until the beginning of week 2 in a couple days to start HCG but my nuts feel funky. They're getting sore so I assume they're shutting down. For that reason I pinned HCG at 250mg for the first time today (Sunday) off schedule. I will pin again tomorrow at 250 mg and then stick with the M-W-F plan. I think this will be fine.
I aspirate without fail and have a fear of injecting into a vein... I rotate cyp shots from right to left a$$ cheeks so each side gets hit once a week. Yesterday I pulled the syringe and blood quickly poured from my upper glute to my leg. I wasn't ready for that. Up until then it had barely been a drop. I felt I may have injected directly into a vein so I went and laid on the floor for a few minutes waiting to see if I would have a reaction but nothing happened. I guess I just went through one.
I want to maintain a superior level of endurance while adding strength. Honestly I neglected strength for years and focused on endurance but I have to be able to lift heavy weight as well if I want to compete seriously in the things I enjoy doing. In November (and this is sad...) when I started hitting weights again for strength my max bench had dropped to the 230 range and I only squatted 175 5-6 times before I got shaky. I simply hadn't done it in years and was running 6+ miles 5-6 days a week. I thought my legs were staying strong. Nope...
At the start of my cycle 11 days ago I maxed at 275 lbs bench and 230 lbs back squat.
Two days ago I maxed at 320 bench and a 300 back squat. Like I said above it seems like I am just throwing 10lbs to 20lbs on each time I hit the gym. Its nice but it's probably due to me getting old ability back since I haven't been on very long.
I'm working each body part twice a week now, but my recovery seems to be happening faster and faster. Right now I spend 90-120 minutes a day in the gym. I work:
chest, arms, abs one day
quads, glutes, hams, calves the next
Shoulders, back, abs, traps the 3rd.
Rest the 4th.
Repeat with chest.
I need to add as much strength as possible before cutting fat. Ideally, at my height, I should be 190lbs-210lbs around 13% bf with lifts in the following ranges:
Back Squat: 475
Dead Lift: 525
Clean and Jerk: 350
Snatch: 300
Pull ups: 60
Now, will I get here on this cycle. No way... But I will make progress.
Below photo was yesterday:
Attachment 161915
Ambitious... I've raised my goals based on strength gains so far. Right now I want to:
Bench 400
Back Squat 400
Dead Lift 430
Overhead press 225+
Snatch: 225
Clean and Jerk: 230
And I want to maintain an ability to run a 6:30 mile and 20:30 3 mile.
IF I manage this I will be ecstatic... High goals...