I do a different routine from most due to age and pulling muscles , elbow pain and shoulder pain not as in no pain no gain , but actual long term deep pain !
I have had to improvise and go to lighter weight and higher reps and sets !
ie. 2 body parts a day and mix them up usually do one day of just legs at the 1st part of the week and one day of the odd body part
Alternate Back & Bies
Chest & Tries
day off
shoulders & Bies
Back & Tries
Chest only and rotate like this and fry abs on single body part day
I do 4 to 5 exercises per body part
4 sets of 15
I am 56 and I have seen the results I desire which is to lean out and to gain some size but not a goal to be huge
This is along with clean eating and 30 to 45 minutes of cardio daily .
I go to an Anytime Fitness and have been back training hard since the end of 2012 ! I have had to take breaks from time to time due to health issues !
Since this past Thanksgiving 2015 I have been backpacking and that is amazing Burning 800 to 1000 calories an hour and just keep burning even into exhausted sleep . Backpacking works and stretches parts of my body that were never touched in the gym , just lifting ! I was going to hike the AT but not an adventure for an older man to jump right into and expect to complete even the 1st 625 miles from GA to VA . So I do 5 day and 7 day backpacking trips with ultralight gear and eat anything I can get my hands on to keep calorie count up , ( even pastas) within reason . There is actually a healthy way to eat dehydrated food and still get protein on the trail ! Everything is evolving !
Still on a 7 day hike I will drop 6 to 10 lbs. and this has caused me to lean out even more !
Then back in the gym and start routine again .
This has been a good routine for me and seem to just keep having gains and tightening up !
I know there are plenty of young guys on here that would laugh at this routine ! I have found out the hard way training heavy is no longer an option for me
I welcome thoughts on this in a positive light and even questions if there are any ?