Hey guys, figured I'd start a new workout log. My cousin asked to start working out with me a few months ago, so we've spent the past 3 months learning the basic lifting motions, how to spot, gym etiquette, etc. He is doing great. He started dieting and eating right well before we started lifting together, but he really started seeing results when he started hitting the gym with me. He went from ~220 lbs and soft, to 173 lbs as of this Saturday, with quite an impressive amount of muscles to show off.
3 weeks ago I decided that he was strong enough and dedicated enough to start a heavier lifting cycle, and after reading some of Marcus' HIT threads in the lounge, I decided I would try the Dorian Yates Blood and Guts 6 week workout. We made some small adjustments to fit the equipment we have at our gym (this crazy place doesn't have a decline bench. We have to do decline dumbell press on the seated cable row since the bench seat is at a slight decline..)
I've never really kept track or written down my lifts and weight, so I followed the advice on the video and we started writing down our lifts after each workout with the weights used and any notes on how things went. If we had to have a LOT of help from the spotter, we made note. If we had any other issues, we made note, so that the following week we would remember why we did what we did. We made it a point to do better on each lift than we did the week prior, either doing at least one rep more or increasing weight.
I created a spreadsheet to help log, track, and analyze my progress and I plan to update you guys every 3 weeks on how progress is going. Following will be a link to weeks 1-3 of the Blood and Guts 6 week HIT. You will find a tab for each workout, chest & biceps, back & traps, shoulders & triceps, legs, as well as the cardio that I've done IN ADDITION to the 10 minute treadmill warmup we do before each workout. Yes, I know that building and this much cardio do not go hand in hand, but my job requires that I stay in good cardio shape. You will also find a graph of each lift and how each week compares. I was surprised to find that I had not done as well in some lifts as I thought. I find this helpful to see where I am weak at a glance, and what I need to work on.
After this 6 week cycle is complete, I would like to start a different 6 week cycle with all new lifts, though still in the HIT training style. If you have suggestions, comments, or questions let me know.