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Thread: Sust / Tren A Cycle

  1. #1

    Sust / Tren A Cycle

    Alright had to make an account for this after searching tirelessly online and finding several different answers...

    So I happened to come across a vial of Tren A (100mg/10) for next to nothing and am considering tossing it into my next cyc as a "trial run" if you will, as I would like to see how I react to it having never tried it. (Yea yea I know I'll prolly regret it but I can get more pretty quickly) I also have 2 vials of some Sust that I have been planning to start as well. Plenty of Adex & clomid on hand. (Ive never been prone to gyno but am considering ordering some caber even tho low dose; thoughts?)

    Too the point... I've seen a lot of different opinions on the most efficient method of injecting sustanon with Tren a... If it were a perfect world i'd probably try something like this:

    1-5wk 250mg Sust - Monday / Thurs
    5-8wk 75mg Sust - EOD
    5-8wk 100mg Tren A - EOD
    8-12wk 250mg Sust - Monday / Thurs

    However I realize this means some serious fluctuation.
    What would be my best option for running Sust w Tren?
    Should i pin the Sust all in one go on Monday and Tren eod? Sust every 3 Days?
    I would also like to gain some lbs early on through the Sust but am unsure about fluctuating the doses.

    I realize only 3.5 weeks of Tren is half of what 99% will recommend, but like I said I can always snag another... Just want to see what it's like on the dark side.

    Last edited by masterflex; 07-08-2016 at 09:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I'd get more tren if I were you and run it 8 weeks from the start of your cycle. You can run it at 200mg pw and get great results with minimum sides imo. you should stick to the same dose of sust all the way through. Pin them both eod.

    You should be taking hcg and an ai on cycle too.

    Pct plan?

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response. Yeah 8 weeks would be ideal but like I said I want to test the waters... Shit I'll probably end up liking it too much & get another anyway.
    As far as the Sust goes, I want to be sure that it's active when I start the Tren. If I pin EOD at that low of a dose I don't see the prop doing much of anything leaving me with 2-3 weeks on shut down. Really wishing I had some prop now haha.
    Got plenty of adex, not gonna touch the clomid, but will I even need the adex at that low of a test dose? Never really even had any estrogen related sides from my other high test runs. From what I've read, the prolactin is what I should be catering to. HCG is also on deck, gotta keep the boys awake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    3.5 weeks isn't enough to test the waters.meffe to, both good and bad, will be starting to show about week 3. It's like running prop for the same time to see how you feel, or sust for 5 or weeks. Lower dose for longer and you can always up the dose next time.

    The short esters in the sust should be fine to start the the tren at the same time. You'd want to run it at least 2 weeks longer than the tren anyway.

    500mg test isn't a low dose. Yes I'd recommend an ai at that dose, just because you not feel E2 side effects doesn't mean they aren't happening. Unless you got bloodwork to say E2 was in range? Controlling E2 is essential when run running a 19-nor, it should negate the need for a DA. Take your Adex at 0.25mg eod.

    What is your pct plan?

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