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Thread: Tbol/Test E/T3

  1. #1

    Tbol/Test E/T3

    Hi all, quick question about an upcoming cycle, stats are as follows:

    Age: 28
    Cycle History: 2 previous - Test Prop for the first, Andromix for the second.
    Stats: 6'1, 215, 13% BF (by scale)
    Goal: Add lean muscle and reduce body fat

    I'm planning on running Tbol at 50mg a day for 4 weeks (kickstart), and Test E at 500mg a week for 12 weeks (.25 mg arimidex EOD unless sides present, nolva/clomid PCT at 20mg/50mg respectively)

    My question is this: I have pharma T3, I've been feeling that my body fat is getting a little high recently as I've been bulking since the weather started to cool down, is it possible to run T3 at 50mcg/day for 2-4 weeks starting with the tbol and test e? My concern is that the test E wont be kicking until week 3ish, and that the tbol might not be strong enough to prevent catabolism.

    Just looking to shed some fat quickly so that I can start this cycle with a nice lean base, thanks for all of your input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Imo 50mg/d of tbol for 4 weeks is a waste of money.

    Tbol should be run at higher doses for at least twice as long for good results.

    I have to assume that your bf estimate is off because 13% bf is ripped.

    To answer your question, my experience with tbol leads me to believe that it's not anabolic enough to prevent catabolism from t3.

    You'll get much better results from your cycle, and put on more muscle tissue, if you lower you bf naturally before starting your cycle.

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