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Thread: First Cycle, Test E and Mast

  1. #1

    First Cycle, Test E and Mast

    I am planing to run my first cycle, that will consist of
    350mg Test E/week
    600mg Masteron E/week

    I was planning on running a 12 week cycle and was wondering what proper pct would this cycle require?

    I am currently 5'10" and 160lbs. Very active, low body fat.

    i am very appreciative to any feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia

  3. #3
    i was hoping to use the mast. to create more lean, sustainable gains, and to minimize water weight. I am doing this cycle to remain lean, gain strength, and maximize my athletic performance. is there something better i could stack the test with to minimize water weight?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    don't stack on your first cycle. if you start to get some fucked up side effects, you wont know what compound is doing it to you. simple is better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Keep it simple for the first time, test only.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Nephets is right, simplicity facilitates many things. I know that NO ONE wants to hear this "safe and simple" B.S., I suppose its one of those "you have to learn for yourself" things, but about 4 weeks into your first cycle, you'll realize that you question EVERYTHING that is going on with your body. If you're stacking things right out of the gate, you're going to drive yourself crazy.... but what do I know. Best of luck to you!

    Oh... please consider an AI of some kind... which is easier with pre-cycle blood work baselines... but its all in your hands my friend.


  7. #7
    600mg of mast.... Im 10 cycles deep, competed a few times and nationally qualified....Most mast ive ran was i think 600 a week.... You know, while your at it, throw in deca at 600 a week, maybe some tren with dbol to kickstart....Come on man, reseach just for one hour and youll see that 1 compound to start.

    DUDE, start with test 350-400mg a week for 12 weeks.... This is assuming you know how to diet right and train well.....And your over 25.....

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