The last few weeks I have had a problem with mostly the muscles in my chest,shoulders and occasionally my arms, I will go to move and it seems like part of the muscle locks up for a second and then frees up and works fine. It is not painful like a cramp and only last for a split second or two at the most. It might happen 5-6 times a day or only once. I have never had this issue before on or off cycle. My lifts are good and it never happens when lifting only when the muscle is relaxed and I go to move my arms in some way.
I am in the middle of a tren/mast cycle but I have ran them before and never experienced it.
I know I am hydrated, the only thing that is different is that this is the leanest I have ever been.
around 9% BF whether that makes a difference or not.
Just curious if anyone has experienced this?