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Thread: 28 y/o male with low T and high BF%, please help!

  1. #1

    28 y/o male with low T and high BF%, please help!

    Hey guys, so throughout my 20's I've had very little libido and suffered with ED. I finally decided to face the embarrassment and talk to a doctor. After 3 blood work tests, they all came back with low T (<200)

    I'm 6' tall and when I started to work out about a year ago I weighed roughly 255 lbs. For the first 6 months my weight never changed much due to the fact that I continued eating like crap. I'm down to 232 lbs now and at my lowest weight last October I was 220lbs. While I noticed my waist size dropped from a 38 to a 36 and it was easy to tell the fat that was lost from my face and neck, there was very little change in what my body looked like, especially my belly/back/chest fat. Overall I've been somewhat happy with the reduction in weight as I can definitely tell that I look "skinnier." I would guess that my BF% is in the 30% range due to my big soft gut and even though I dropped over 30lbs in total I never really noticed a major change in the look of my upper body.

    My doctor started TRT very recently and we are still trying to figure out the correct dosage. This last cycle I started with 200mg, after 1 week, my test level was mid 700's. 17 days after that dose, my test level was 230, so I took another 85mg shot.

    I eat around 2000 calories a day, and try to do 200/200/45 for protein, carbs and fat though my protein intake is usually around 160g.

    I can't seem to get rid of my belly/chest/ and back fat. I can see definition in my arms and shoulders that was never there, but my torso looks pretty much the same as it did when I was 255. Others have told me that I look like I've lost a lot of weight and you can definitely tell in my face but I really want to down to 15% BF. Any suggestions

    I want to keep my test levels higher than 550 but my doc says that anything above 200 is good, even though my libido is crap at those low levels... Would it be a good idea to take between 150-200 mg Test enanthate every week (and cut/add accordingly) if I can keep my test levels below 750? Is there anything else I should look at taking with that? My doctor doesn't really seem to know a whole lot on this subject, even though he is very supportive.

    Will keeping my test levels up help burn that stubborn belly fat that has been impossible for me to get rid of so far? I thought of going on anavar to try and lean out, but after spending hours reading threads on this forum, I've come to the conclusion that it would be a bad idea...

    I'd like to think I'm an okay looking guy and I can hide the fat somewhat well since I have wide shoulders and a decent frame on me but I'd love to get a flat stomach and would really appreciate any tips or advice on what I should do? I know dialing in my nutrition will help and I have been doing that but It seems like it's hard for me to build muscle and I've hit a brick wall when it comes to lifting weights as I haven't been able to increase the weight for months now..

    I'm thinking a lot of my struggles were due to the low T and I guess my main concern is do I have to take anything else if I do about 150mg of T every couple weeks? Would you guys recommend anything for a guy that legit has low T? Also, even when I had high levels of T (700 ish), while I felt my libido was improved, it still seemed low to me and the ED was still somewhat present. I had to take cialis to help..

    Any help, tips or general advice would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    you must write us more info like : t3,t4,alat,aspat,tsh,shbg,E2,kortizol, prolactin, HDL, LDL, levels.
    my test was ~150 at december now is 560 and i only add few kinds of herbs, most important is how your liver works because all goes thru your liver.

    low t3/t4 you will be fat ratio t3 to t4 should be 1:3 ( t3 is also necessary to change HGH to IGF3 in liver and muscle cells )
    alat aspat ( if they are high there is something wrong with your liver, so you will have all hormones fucked up in your body )
    shbg - high amount of this protein gonna grab your test and even if you will have high test level your free test will be ultra low )
    hdl/ldl again liver cholesterol is necessary to keep hormons on right levels
    kortizol,E2,prolactin - all those in high levels gonna made from you fat angry annoying woman

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Whats was the reason for such low T levels?

    At your age such low testosterone is a symptom of a some other condition, that should be addressed before patching it with testosterone.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Whats was the reason for such low T levels?

    At your age such low testosterone is a symptom of a some other condition, that should be addressed before patching it with testosterone.

    This ^^. And exactly what is your doctors protocol?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Are you seeing a general practitioner or an endocrinologist? If you're doc's open, you should tell him that you want to maintain your T level at near 700. 200's is normal but not really. You need to be up in the 700 to 800 to see the real effects of Test. The lower bodyfat, muscular definition, energy, etc. isn't going to happen in the 200's.

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