Unlike most of you, I use Test-P and Test-C for medical reasons and not to get rip. I have issues with low testosterone, and my doctor won't prescribe me enough to put me at a level that puts my quality of life that I feel comfortable with. So, I started ordering Test-P and Test C powder from HugeRaw.com out of China. The problem is, despite meticulous practices on sanitation, I've now had 2 infections in my leg at the injection site. The first infection was cleared up with antibiotics from the doctor, and I just got a new round of antibotiocs from the doctor for the recent infection. Infections are VERY painful. Here's the facts:
1. I'm mixing my Test-P at 150mg/ml. I'm getting a very slight pain during injection which makes me believe I might need to back off to 100mg/ml. I mixed at 30% benzyl benoate, 3% benzyl alcohol, remaining oil. Comments on making a 150mg/ml solution with less pain during injection?
2. I'm using sterile LabExact .22ul syringe filters.
3. I also went a step further on my second batch and tried to make-shift autoclave my filters by putting them in a 250ml beaker that had been sanitized with rubbing alcohol in the oven at 280f for 15min to kill anything that might possibly be in them. I understand this amount of heat for this amount of time is ok for these filters.
4. I brought the oil (I use cottonseed since that is native for Test in pharmacy grade) past 212f, probably to 250f before adding to my Test-P mixture with Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate. The Cottonseed oil I have is supposed to be USP and sterile anyway.
5. Since the melting point of Test-P is up around 250f, after adding ALL components, I brought everything up to around 240f for a minute or so, then let cool before running through my syringe filter directly in to my vial. The idea was to sanitize the finished product before filtering to be safe.
6. The vial was rinsed with rubbing alcohol to sanitize and let dry, even though the vial was supposed to be sterile.
7. I ALWAYS swab with alcohol the top of the vial rubber stoppers before piercing with the needle.
8. I use 27ga 1 1/4in needles for injection. I typically inject in to my upper leg, alternating legs in between injections.
9. I ordered some Whatman .22ul sterile filters because you hear a lot about "Whatman".
Can anyone give me any advice? I am EXTREMELY frustrated. I had no idea it would be this hard to make a sterile solution to inject, and now in a matter of 2 weeks I've been to the doctors twice. I've managed to spread out between 2 different urgent cares between 2 cities, but sooner or later they are going to start connecting the dots and I'm going to get nailed. Plus, I can't keep taking antibiotics or they are going to stop working. Not good! But I need my Test to increase my quality of life, and making my own from powder is a HUGE cost savings. Many thanks to anyone who might be able to provide some insight in to this very dangerous issue for me.