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Thread: Cruisin w/Test E n Var...Advice Nedded

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Cruisin w/Test E n Var...Advice Nedded

    Age - 41
    Weight - 205lbs
    Height - 6'0
    BF% - 12%

    Good morning ladies n b4 i dive head first into anything, i like 2 gather as much info as i can n make sure i do it just right. im currently coming off the following Blast:

    Wks 1-16 Sustanon 750mg/Wk (250mg.Mon/250mg.Wed/250mg.Fri)
    Wks 1-7/16-22 Turinabol 60mg/D
    Wks 19-22 Test Prop 100mg/MWF

    im 2wks out from finishing up with Test Prop n will go in straight into my Cruise with the following:

    Test Enanthate 300mg (150mg Mon, 150mg Thurs)
    Anavar Wks 1-8 100mg/D

    how does the Cruise look? now i know the Test E dosage is a little high for a Cruise, but thats what i get with each CC or i could always switch to Test Cyp 250mg/Wk? ive tried var b4, but only got as high as 80mg/D n either my Gear wasnt dosed that right or good at all, but i really didnt c any results i would consider at least good. now carrying a little less bf% n switching my source, im hoping i can get the results i want. good or bad...tell me what u guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yeah test is on the high side for a cruise.

    Are you on trt? If not why do you want to cruise? Plus adding the anavar at that dose, you are basically extending your cycle, not cruising.

    Come off, or if set on cruising drop test , to as low as possible. Start 150 a week and get bloods.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    I'm thinking that 100mg/Day of a c17aa oral would constitute a blast for me.

    Sure, I knows guy who used DBOL for 6mo straight,
    but he's cruising, if it really can be called so,
    on 2+ grams of AAS pr week, usually going for 5+ grams and adding in slin and GH whenever he has the money to do so.
    So I guess everyone is different.

    But I wouldn't run orals, at least not in that dose,
    during a cruise.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by florestrainer2009 View Post
    Age - 41
    Weight - 205lbs
    Height - 6'0
    BF% - 12%

    Good morning ladies n b4 i dive head first into anything, i like 2 gather as much info as i can n make sure i do it just right. im currently coming off the following Blast:

    Wks 1-16 Sustanon 750mg/Wk (250mg.Mon/250mg.Wed/250mg.Fri)
    Wks 1-7/16-22 Turinabol 60mg/D
    Wks 19-22 Test Prop 100mg/MWF

    im 2wks out from finishing up with Test Prop n will go in straight into my Cruise with the following:

    Test Enanthate 300mg (150mg Mon, 150mg Thurs)
    Anavar Wks 1-8 100mg/D

    how does the Cruise look? now i know the Test E dosage is a little high for a Cruise, but thats what i get with each CC or i could always switch to Test Cyp 250mg/Wk? ive tried var b4, but only got as high as 80mg/D n either my Gear wasnt dosed that right or good at all, but i really didnt c any results i would consider at least good. now carrying a little less bf% n switching my source, im hoping i can get the results i want. good or bad...tell me what u guys think?
    I'm assuming you're on TRT as your "cruise" is a high TRT dose or low cycle dose. If you add Anavar to the cruise, you're just running another cycle. Since you'll be shutdown the whole time, I'm just assuming you're on TRT. If you not, you need to get off, rest, and PCT. As for a cruise dose, you're giving your liver and your body a little break from your cycle. You should be at 150mg/wk or 200mg/wk for a cruise and no Anavar. If you're just running cycles back to back, which I don't think is healthy, then stick with your proposed protocol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    In my opinion, 300mgs of test is high for a cruise. At that dose, you'll more than likely need an AI. I like to cruise at a dose to where ancillaries aren't needed because they can cause some unpleasant side effects on their own. My trt dose is 150mgs weekly, and that's also my cruise dose. I'm 35, so you may need less (only blood work will tell you). As far as the anavar, I'd rest your body a while after that beast mode cycle and just recover. Then after a couple months or whatever, throw some in of you'd like. I would, without question, get blood work done on your cruise dose in a couple of months before you add the var.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Seriously, nobody needs 100 mgs of var daily.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    Kel, those arms look like 1000mg of Var daily. LOL

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Kel, those arms look like 1000mg of Var daily. LOL
    Ha! Don't think I've ever done over 30 mgs per day. Be interesting to see how veiny they'd get if I actually dieted.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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