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Thread: Second cycle help.

  1. #1

    Second cycle help.

    Hello all,
    When I was younger I ran a cycle of Epistane and yielded unreal results! At 1600 calories a day I lost 5-6% body fat and still put on 8 pounds in two weeks. Unfortunately they don't sell Epistane any more.

    I understand that it doesn't magically make you lose fat, but rather keeps muscle when in a caloric deficit. My question is this- how comparable is winstrol to epistane?
    I plan on running winny 50mg ED along with clen. Thoughts? Comparable to epistane? Will it help me lose a good bit of fat with the right diet and cardio?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by 2013f250 View Post
    Hello all,
    When I was younger I ran a cycle of Epistane and yielded unreal results! At 1600 calories a day I lost 5-6% body fat and still put on 8 pounds in two weeks. Unfortunately they don't sell Epistane any more.

    I understand that it doesn't magically make you lose fat, but rather keeps muscle when in a caloric deficit. My question is this- how comparable is winstrol to epistane?
    I plan on running winny 50mg ED along with clen. Thoughts? Comparable to epistane? Will it help me lose a good bit of fat with the right diet and cardio?
    Absolutely impossible unless you count water weight as gains.
    If you were 180lbs and 15% body fat and ended up at 188lbs 10% body fat you would have.....
    gained 16.2lbs of muscle and lost 8.2lbs of fat
    in 2 weeks none the less.

    A pound of fat has about 3500 calories.
    You say you lost 8lbs times 3500 calories is 28,000 calories.
    You would have to be on a 2000 calorie a day deficit to lose that much weight in 2 weeks.
    Meanwhile you say you also put on 16.2lbs of muscle in the same time frame. That's over a pound a day.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Not even Tren could yield those results

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 2013f250 View Post
    Hello all,
    When I was younger I ran a cycle of Epistane and yielded unreal results! At 1600 calories a day I lost 5-6% body fat and still put on 8 pounds in two weeks. Unfortunately they don't sell Epistane any more.

    I understand that it doesn't magically make you lose fat, but rather keeps muscle when in a caloric deficit. My question is this- how comparable is winstrol to epistane?
    I plan on running winny 50mg ED along with clen. Thoughts? Comparable to epistane? Will it help me lose a good bit of fat with the right diet and cardio?
    The only thing it'd do is suppres your HPTA add cause side effects which definitely wouldn't out way the benefits. Your endocrine system is still developing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    [QUOTE=The Deadlifting Dog;7286857]Absolutely impossible unless you count water weight as gains.
    If you were 180lbs and 15% body fat and ended up at 188lbs 10% body fat you would have.....
    gained 16.2lbs of muscle and lost 8.2lbs of fat
    in 2 weeks none the less.

    A pound of fat has about 3500 calories.
    You say you lost 8lbs times 3500 calories is 28,000 calories.
    You would have to be on a 2000 calorie a day deficit to lose that much weight in 2 weeks.
    Meanwhile you say you also put on 16.2lbs of muscle in the same time frame. That's over a pound a day.

    All BS stories start once apon a time or you ain't going too believe this sh1t!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I recently had to break down calories in fat to explain to someone how they weren't possibly losing 10lbs of pure fat a week. People seem to choose to ignore the science of calories in versus calories out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    I've lost over 30lbs in a month. 10-15 lbs tops was fat. The rest was most definitely water. Takes a lot of hard work and dedication to lose fat quickly. There is no magic juice or pill that will do the work for anyone unfortunately.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by 2013f250 View Post
    Hello all,
    When I was younger I ran a cycle of Epistane and yielded unreal results! At 1600 calories a day I lost 5-6% body fat and still put on 8 pounds in two weeks. Unfortunately they don't sell Epistane any more.

    I understand that it doesn't magically make you lose fat, but rather keeps muscle when in a caloric deficit. My question is this- how comparable is winstrol to epistane?
    I plan on running winny 50mg ED along with clen. Thoughts? Comparable to epistane? Will it help me lose a good bit of fat with the right diet and cardio?
    Never tried Epistane but have run clen/winny. Clen is pretty harsh with the shakes, cramps, sweating, insomnia, and general discomfort. Winny dried out my bumm knees and it felt like I had sandpaper for cartilage. But they do definitely work well together to cut fat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Never tried Epistane but have run clen/winny. Clen is pretty harsh with the shakes, cramps, sweating, insomnia, and general discomfort. Winny dried out my bumm knees and it felt like I had sandpaper for cartilage. But they do definitely work well together to cut fat.
    No thanks SG I will leave the Clen and Winny for you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by 2013f250 View Post
    Hello all,
    I ran a cycle of Epistane and yielded unreal results! At 1600 calories a day I lost 5-6% body fat and still put on 8 pounds in two weeks.
    LOL. At that rate, by November you will be the greatest bodybuilder of all time. Don't forget about your friends on this board when you are Mr Olympia

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