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Thread: Cialis and ephedrine

  1. #1

    Cialis and ephedrine

    Hi. Im taking 5mg cialis with caffeine pre workout eod. Was thinking to add ephedrine.
    Would id cause side effects?
    I know some are reporting sides when taking L arginine or Citruline alongside with cialis.
    Any thoughts?
    And also im cruising on 350mg test e per week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017
    I do a pre-workout like that but added in taurine into my regimen.

    Also 350test is a cruise for you?.

    What do your cycles look like???

    Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    I take 5mg daily, and 50mg ephedrine and 509-600mg caffeine daily.

    Any more caffeine, and I get scared

  4. #4
    I usually cycle on 800mg test e and 350mg tren A or 600mg deca

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by suasponte1983 View Post
    I usually cycle on 800mg test e and 350mg tren A or 600mg deca
    How do you manage to run that much test?

    Do you use AI and caber to control your levels? I am also guessing maybe 8-12 week cycles on those levels?

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    There is no way for us to know if it would cause side effects in you, but do you think you need to add another stimulant? My pre workout consists of 5mgs of cialis and 1 cup of black coffee. I use the cialis for the increased blood flow that makes the pumps really stand out. That gives me a lot of motivation to keep pushing the weights. Cialis is a vasodialator and caffeine and ephedrine are vasoconstrictors, which obviously contrasts the effects of the cialis. One cup of coffee, or a 200mg caffeine pill won't cause any significant contrast to the cialis, but caffeine AND ephedrine might. I would do one or the other, but you should be fine if you decided to use it all. Just be careful. Keep in mind that ephedrine does build tolerance, so it is best to run it on and off to keep from having to continue to increase the dose because ephedrine isn't the safest stimulant there is, lol. Just use caution and know your limits. Adding a baby aspirin a day wouldn't be a bad idea either.

    *EDIT - WHOA bud! 350mgs of test isn't a cruise, that's a continuous cycle. Now before you say "I've done this for years" or "I know my body and what I'm doing", please consider the risk to reward. You don't need 350mgs of test to maintain your size. Many people use 350mgs of test as their blast dose (test p @ 100mgs eod). I don't know your age or your background, but that's too much regardless. Some of the top pros only use trt doses to cruise on. That's a fact. There is more to this lifestyle than just being the biggest guy at the local Y. Just consider what I'm saying. I'm not going to tell you what to do, I'm just looking out.
    Last edited by PT1982; 08-15-2017 at 10:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    There is no way for us to know if it would cause side effects in you, but do you think you need to add another stimulant? My pre workout consists of 5mgs of cialis and 1 cup of black coffee. I use the cialis for the increased blood flow that makes the pumps really stand out. That gives me a lot of motivation to keep pushing the weights. Cialis is a vasodialator and caffeine and ephedrine are vasoconstrictors, which obviously contrasts the effects of the cialis. One cup of coffee, or a 200mg caffeine pill won't cause any significant contrast to the cialis, but caffeine AND ephedrine might. I would do one or the other, but you should be fine if you decided to use it all. Just be careful. Keep in mind that ephedrine does build tolerance, so it is best to run it on and off to keep from having to continue to increase the dose because ephedrine isn't the safest stimulant there is, lol. Just use caution and know your limits. Adding a baby aspirin a day wouldn't be a bad idea either.

    *EDIT - WHOA bud! 350mgs of test isn't a cruise, that's a continuous cycle. Now before you say "I've done this for years" or "I know my body and what I'm doing", please consider the risk to reward. You don't need 350mgs of test to maintain your size. Many people use 350mgs of test as their blast dose (test p @ 100mgs eod). I don't know your age or your background, but that's too much regardless. Some of the top pros only use trt doses to cruise on. That's a fact. There is more to this lifestyle than just being the biggest guy at the local Y. Just consider what I'm saying. I'm not going to tell you what to do, I'm just looking out.
    Never used caber or prami for nor19. I do use IE to control estro. Crushed it on.25 mg eod so now i use.25 every 4 days.
    You are right i need to cut my test a bit. Say 200mg a week for 2 month and blast again.
    I probably will hold off ephedrine. Just doesn't worth the risk.
    Do you know any good appetite suppressant? Im cutting and hungry mostly in the evenings. Especially i crave carbs

  8. #8
    Ephedrine curbs hunger. An ECA stack, better known as a thermogenic, combines Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin. I've taken that stack as a pre-workout for a long time. Those three compounds acts synergistically to increase the blood flow throughout the body. It's supposed to increase your body metabolism by 2% to 3%. It doesn't take much of the three to get your metabolism going.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by suasponte1983 View Post
    Never used caber or prami for nor19. I do use IE to control estro. Crushed it on.25 mg eod so now i use.25 every 4 days.
    You are right i need to cut my test a bit. Say 200mg a week for 2 month and blast again.
    I probably will hold off ephedrine. Just doesn't worth the risk.
    Do you know any good appetite suppressant? Im cutting and hungry mostly in the evenings. Especially i crave carbs
    Ephedrine really. It kills my appetite.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    My pre workout consists of 5mgs of cialis and 1 cup of black coffee. I use the cialis for the increased blood flow that makes the pumps really stand out. That gives me a lot of motivation to keep pushing the weights. Cialis is a vasodialator and caffeine and ephedrine are vasoconstrictors, which obviously contrasts the effects of the cialis. One cup of coffee, or a 200mg caffeine pill won't cause any significant contrast to the cialis, but caffeine AND ephedrine might. IIIregardles
    So I shouldn't be taking my ECA stack with Cialis also my pre-workout has higenamine hcl, which is a beta-adrenergic agonist, like clen and ephedrine and synephrine.

    "Irregardless".....come on PT, your better than

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    So I shouldn't be taking my ECA stack with Cialis also my pre-workout has higenamine hcl, which is a beta-adrenergic agonist, like clen and ephedrine and synephrine.

    "Irregardless".....come on PT, your better than
    Lol. I know, i know. He asked if it would cause side effects, so I gave him possible sides. ECA is by far my favorite fat loss dealio, but I wouldn't rely on it for a pre workout due to the tolerance. Not to mention it does counteract the reason for using cialis. Cialis is the nectar of the gods!

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