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Thread: Hcg from india tips

  1. #1

    Hcg from india tips

    Hey everyone,

    I can get a huge 10ML bottle of Pregnyl 10,000USP at Walgreen's through GoodRX for about $120 with my scrip. Recently I thought I could do better so I ordered some HCG from xxxxxxxxxxxcc. There was a photo of Pregnyl for $22 a bottle so I got 3. What arrived were three tiny 1ml bottles of Hucog 10,000 premixed. This is no deal! Anyone know where I can get the large 10ML bottles or the small ones for about $10 which would be a little more competitive than what I pay at Walgreen's? Thanks and hope I am posting this is in the correct place!

    No posting of web addresses, please. Thanks!
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-12-2017 at 08:05 AM.

  2. #2
    you don't fully understand....

    10,000 USP in 10ml is just less concentrated than 10,000USP in 1ml.
    It is still the same amount of hCG.

  3. #3
    Hey, thanks for answering. I'm just starting out with this.

    So I if inject 1ML a week from the 10ML, what would the conversion be on this and do I add more water to the 1ML? It is barely filled. Any more help would be much appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I dont understand what you mean by "premixed". You should have gotten 3 ampules with powdery looking stuff at the bottom and no liquid. You break the top off the glass ampule and draw 1cc of bac water with a syringe and shoot it into the glass ampule. When thats all disolved you take that 1cc of mixed hcg and transfer it to a sterile empty vial. Then you add 9 more cc's of bac water to that vial and bam, youll have hcg at 1000iu per cc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    I dont understand what you mean by "premixed". You should have gotten 3 ampules with powdery looking stuff at the bottom and no liquid. You break the top off the glass ampule and draw 1cc of bac water with a syringe and shoot it into the glass ampule. When thats all disolved you take that 1cc of mixed hcg and transfer it to a sterile empty vial. Then you add 9 more cc's of bac water to that vial and bam, youll have hcg at 1000iu per cc.
    Some of the companies, Hucog included, now sell a premixed " highly purified" version. Personally, I'm not comfortable with it and prefer to add the diluent to the lyophilized wafer. The premixed version just doesn't sit well with me. I'm not comfortable that it remains viable during shipping, sitting on a shelf, etc.
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  6. #6
    Thanks so much. Mine is a very small amount of liquid, not powder. Apparently it is a new thing called "highly purified". See other response. I think I'll throw this shit out. Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Thanks man.

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