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Thread: DBol vs Anadrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    DBol vs Anadrol

    Im trying to get a solid idea of what Anadrol is, I know that Dbol is used over the first 4 weeks to help get gains until longer ester Test like Enan and Cyp kick in. I also see that it seems like Anadrol can be used in place of Dbol? This mean they are pretty much identical in what they do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Mount of Olympus
    Quote Originally Posted by BigB04 View Post
    Im trying to get a solid idea of what Anadrol is, I know that Dbol is used over the first 4 weeks to help get gains until longer ester Test like Enan and Cyp kick in. I also see that it seems like Anadrol can be used in place of Dbol? This mean they are pretty much identical in what they do?
    anadrol is much more toxic and you feel like a shit.. but a little more strenght gains, dbol make you a beast in the gym and good strength gains , i would go with dbol for 6 weeks at 40mg to kick the cycle

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