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Thread: Flu symptom

  1. #1

    Flu symptom

    I started off with EQ(amp,200mg/1ml) mixing with test-c(vial,250mg/1ml) in 1 single syringe for the first cycle.
    I was doing good, no flu symptom, sometimes sweat a lot at night.
    I finished all the EQ(amp) and injecting test-c(vial) only. I have bad flu symptom and severe PIP. At that time, i didn't think it's the test-c being the issue. I thought i was really sick. I was put in hospital for 4 days. WBC count was high and suspected an infection and was given antibiotics.

    Later on i was discharged and cruising at 150mg/week for weeks, it was fine, manageable flu symptoms, slightly increase septum.

    Then i planned to move up to 400mg/week for a cut, with 1 injection being 250mg/ml. I have flu sypmtom and severe PIP again. The injection area turn red and spreading and warm to touch as well, sweating a lot, chill, and coughing, tired in general. I took some antibiotics just in case.

    What could go wrong? I don't think my injection was the issue as I have no problem for months and follow straight to injection protocal, using z-track injection method, sterilizing the vial, injection site and etc.

    What i was thinking is that the EQ(amp) help to cut the test-c(vial)? Is it possible? They are from the same company? so i would assume the BA, EO, solvent and etc being the same.

    What shall i do? I don't wanna quit yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    If you're very sure having followed all the perfect injections practices, i could think that gear in time was contaminated and when you inject higher amount of it, the reaction getting more intense ( this could explain that a 150mg/week you hadn't no issues but at 400mg/week, you did ). On the other side, i could think that test-c amount in a single shot, maybe is too much for your absorption capacity of that specific injection site. You could try to split the whole dosage in 2 shots in different days and verify your body reactions.

    I don't think is related to EQ presence or absence.

    Further, it would be interesting to change gear or getting a new test-c vial, and experiment what happen.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    If you're very sure having followed all the perfect injections practices, i could think that gear in time was contaminated and when you inject higher amount of it, the reaction getting more intense ( this could explain that a 150mg/week you hadn't no issues but at 400mg/week, you did ). On the other side, i could think that test-c amount in a single shot, maybe is too much for your absorption capacity of that specific injection site. You could try to split the whole dosage in 2 shots in different days and verify your body reactions.

    I don't think is related to EQ presence or absence.

    Further, it would be interesting to change gear or getting a new test-c vial, and experiment what happen.
    Thanks mate.

    I was transiting from 600mg test-c (vial) + 600mg EQ (amp) per week to 500mgs test-c (vial). It was from the same test-c vial. The flu symptom was crazy. ...

    Will try to split more shot and see it react.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    Quote Originally Posted by steroidwonder View Post
    Thanks mate.

    I was transiting from 600mg test-c (vial) + 600mg EQ (amp) per week to 500mgs test-c (vial). It was from the same test-c vial. The flu symptom was crazy. ...

    Will try to split more shot and see it react.
    Yes. For me there's something that it's a bit contaminated in the course of time. Splitting might reduce the possible bacterial charge per single shot. But it's just a my hypothesis, and you've to do several attempts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Kind of sounds like Cellulitis. Are you using the alcohol pads to wipe off the bottle tops when you are getting the AAS out of the bottles? I would have to say that your gear "might" have Staphylococcus in it now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Lot of guys are allergic to the preservative used in test cyp and prop , flu like symptoms when you have that allergy are common . I suggest switching over to Test E and see if that helps (if your using a good lab, some UGLs may use the same shit across the board though)

  7. #7
    an update.
    Got whatman filter and then successfully filter some sterile oil and cut it with test-c vial, no pain, no flu.

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