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Thread: New to this so take it easy thoughts on my idea of a short burst cycle

  1. #1

    New to this so take it easy thoughts on my idea of a short burst cycle

    Ive did my research for about 2 months now and I've narrowed it down to where I think short burst cycles will work best for me and what I want to accomplish in the time being and it's suppose to be easy on the sides I've read a 1000 forums very informal especially from Marcus 300 about the short burst cycles and priming ive been going steady and training for about for about 2 1/2 years now and I feel like this would be the best move for me as far as bulking

    Alrite so I'm 6'1(71 inches)
    BF %13-14

    Week 1-5 dbol 40 mg ed
    Week 1-6 test e 500mg per week
    2 days after last dose of dbol 40 mg of nova ed for week 7
    Week 8&9 20mg of nova ed
    Week 10&11 no gear
    And then rinse and repeat 2 more times

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Hello and welcome,

    that protocol is advanced and it shows you haven't understood how test E works What about AI, HCG? Your PCT is a bit weak too.

    Test E "kicks in" in week 4-6. Orals won't do much in terms of gains without test. So you will gain a little from the dbol then cut the cycle just when it starts really working. If you're going to use test E do it for 12 weeks so that you actually gain something for shutting yourself down.

    Then you're skipping the wait time for test E to clear and try to PCT which is futile, you have to get rid of the test for the SERMs to work.

    Switching your natural testosterone production off then hoping a measly 2 weeks off is enough time for recovery is way too little. It won't recover and you'll end up needing TRT only after a couple of those experiments you're doing. What you really should do is time on + pct = time off.

    Keep it simple for a first cycle and follow this to a T:

    Use test prop if you wan't a shorter cycle. It kicks in faster because of the propionate esters short half life.

  3. #3
    Ok ok got cha like I said still learning thanks for the advice I'll take note of that

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Short burst cycles typically use small esters like test propionate.

    It csn be done with long esters by massivly front loading them to get them in the system faster

  5. #5
    Ok yea I was reading up on that as well preciate it man

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by johnq2017 View Post
    Ive did my research for about 2 months now and I've narrowed it down to where I think short burst cycles will work best for me and what I want to accomplish in the time being and it's suppose to be easy on the sides I've read a 1000 forums very informal especially from Marcus 300 about the short burst cycles and priming ive been going steady and training for about for about 2 1/2 years now and I feel like this would be the best move for me as far as bulking

    Alrite so I'm 6'1(71 inches)
    BF %13-14

    Week 1-5 dbol 40 mg ed
    Week 1-6 test e 500mg per week
    2 days after last dose of dbol 40 mg of nova ed for week 7
    Week 8&9 20mg of nova ed
    Week 10&11 no gear
    And then rinse and repeat 2 more times
    Scrap this cycle. If you want to do a short burst cycle, do the following.

    Test Prop @ 500mg/wk for 8 weeks. Pin EOD.
    HCG @ 250iu twice a week.
    Adex @ .25mg EOD.
    Wait 3 days after the last Test injection before starting PCT.
    PCT @ 4 weeks - Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 + Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Done, you've completed a burst cycle.

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