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Thread: Anadrol - public service anouncement

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    Anadrol - public service anouncement

    Adrol, A-bombs, Drol, A50, Anadrol -- however you want to call it, Anadrol is getting more popular as of late.

    I'm not going to go over the entire drug profile and all its uses etc.. I'll just say its a very very good drug and has many uses when used properly and in context. I'm only going to point out one major major issue people are confusing with Anadrol.

    Some people say that Anadrol does not aromatize (which is true) and they will tell people its therefore not an estrogenic drug.
    Some people will say that Anadrol is a DHT derivative (which is true) and is like every other DHT and not estrgeonic.
    Some popes will say that Anadrol has been used for years by bodybuilders for contest prep (which is true) and is thus probably not estrogenic.

    ok,, public service announcement!! all the above to one degree is true, but the fact is Anadrol is estrogenic as f_ck.

    so, yes its true Anadrol is NOT an aromatizing drug, meaning like test, dbol, etc.. it does not Aromatize and convert to estrogen. However it still raises estrogen significantly via other mechanisms of action (mainly its association with prolactin).
    Yes, even though there is no Aromatization with Anadrol you still can get gyno and other E related side effects.

    "ok, so fine , I'll take Anadrol and control my estrogen like I do with all my other cycles by using an AI (like aromasin or adex)."

    really? take an AI ? well guess what genius, I just said that Anadrol does NOT aromatize and convert to estrogen, so what the hell you think an AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) is going to do for a drug that does not aromatize ? um nothing , take an AI and Adrol and you'll still get gyno. Estrogen will still continue to elevate no matter how much AI you take.

    So whats the answer ? Public Service Announcement , when you run Anadrol you have to take a SERM like Nolvadex, and its also best to stack Anadrol with another compound like Masteron (which helps block estrogen and prolactin at the receptor site).

    ok there you go guys.. for all you that were going to run an Anadrol cycle and run it like you would any other test or Dbol cycle, I just saved you 12K$ in gyno surgery and pain and suffering

  2. #2
    Seems your back on track bud

    Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDV_MV View Post
    Seems your back on track bud
    I'm trying brother . just get back to a normal routine after all the shit that was going on with me (and still is)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm trying brother . just get back to a normal routine after all the shit that was going on with me (and still is)
    You had a very hard moment bro, play save and take care...

    Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm trying brother . just get back to a normal routine after all the shit that was going on with me (and still is)
    Welcome back bro

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    So whats the answer ? Public Service Announcement , when you run Anadrol you have to take a SERM like Nolvadex, and its also best to stack Anadrol with another compound like Masteron (which helps block estrogen and prolactin at the receptor site).
    Thanks GH, very helpful as usual.

    Please forgive the uneducated question (I rarely go beyond a straight Test only cycle) So I'm curious, would you recommend a cut cycle of Anadrol, mast, test, nolva, and as needed, Arimidex? Say a 12-15 cycle, 5 weeks of Adrol, then continuing weekly with 500test, 200Mast, 10mg Nolva, and Adex as/if needed?

    I've read you need to be fairly lean for Mast to be effective (10-12%BF) so for me, this is just educational ... But I happen to have these exact ingredients rolling around in my 'to use some day' drawer.

    Thanks as always for your outstanding contributions to the board.


  7. #7
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    So that's why i alway get sensitive nips while o Anadrol even on .5 mg eod of Adex .. Awesome post, thanks for sharing

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Thanks GH, very helpful as usual.

    Please forgive the uneducated question (I rarely go beyond a straight Test only cycle) So I'm curious, would you recommend a cut cycle of Anadrol, mast, test, nolva, and as needed, Arimidex? Say a 12-15 cycle, 5 weeks of Adrol, then continuing weekly with 500test, 200Mast, 10mg Nolva, and Adex as/if needed?

    I've read you need to be fairly lean for Mast to be effective (10-12%BF) so for me, this is just educational ... But I happen to have these exact ingredients rolling around in my 'to use some day' drawer.

    Thanks as always for your outstanding contributions to the board.

    well regarding Masteron , its an Internet forum and internet profile 'rumor' that Masteron works best at lower body fat. This is BS (in reality every steroid allows you to look better at lower bf%). Masteron does not know wither your 8% or 20% bf, when you take it its going to work its magic either way. Mast is VERY useful. I generally recommend it in almost every cycle (cut, bulk, contest prep, or even cruising on trt). Mast simply makes everything work better, not only is it pretty much side effect free it actually limits side effects of other steroids (eg., if you have issues running Tren then try running Tren with Mast and you'll likely have less sides, same with Deca, same with Test).
    Mast has a strong affinity to SHBG, this will free up more Testosterone to be used for muscle building. Mast also works as an antagonist to both estrogen and prolactin receptors (meaning you'll likely not get negative estrogen or prolactin side effects while on it).

    anyhow Mast is great I'd add in at least 400mg to any cycle you ever do, even if its just a test only cycle. Add the Mast to a test cycle and you'll likely not need an AI and have fewer side effects. Add Mast to 19 nor cycle and you'll likely not have negative prolactin sides.
    if your running say 400mg of test, and you add Mast to that, it will give you the muscle building effects of running like 600mg of test (again cause Mast grabs up SHBG and then frees up more Test to be used for muscle building) .

    regarding your proposal - I generally use Anadrol for bulking or recomps. It can be used for contest prep too about 1-2 weeks going into a show for guys who have a hard time filling out.. the Adrol is great at forcing minerals, nutrients, and glycogen into muscle cells.
    I've personally never used it for a cut nor have I recommended for a client on a cut. BUT. I think it can be done. especially if you want to retain some muscular fullness while cutting. Anadrol will also help in that it can suppress your appetite which isn't a bad thing while dieting.

    this is how I'd run it
    Test 200-300mg a week
    Mast 400-600mg a week
    Adrol 50-100mg a day
    Nolva 10-20mg a day

    IF this was just a general muscle building cycle I would not recommend running an AI with it (you'll gain more muscle without an AI). however being its a cut, we don't want to be holding extra water due to elevated estrogen levels. So starting in week 2 you can run some Arimidex, only need about .25mg two times per week.
    run the cycle about 10 weeks. stop the Anadrol around week 5.. IF you want to run it longer, then from the day you start it you would run it 2 days on 1 day off. this will allow you to run it a bit longer and lessen the negative side effects (like head Ache)

    give it a try brother !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razvan View Post
    So that's why i alway get sensitive nips while o Anadrol even on .5 mg eod of Adex .. Awesome post, thanks for sharing
    yep that Adex is not doing shit for the estrogen thats coming from Anadrol.. you need to be on a SERM like Nolva when you run Adrol

  10. #10
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    fwiw, I'm into,my third injection of mast e, and in love the feeling on it.

    I still,am battling some posdible high e2 from unscrupulous use of test base. I been running .25mg adex and 20 mg nolva daily for about a week.

    I'm thinking I can drop adex back to eod now and continue the daily nolva? thought on this GH?

    I am estro-sensitive.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    fwiw, I'm into,my third injection of mast e, and in love the feeling on it.

    I still,am battling some posdible high e2 from unscrupulous use of test base. I been running .25mg adex and 20 mg nolva daily for about a week.

    I'm thinking I can drop adex back to eod now and continue the daily nolva? thought on this GH?

    I am estro-sensitive.
    yeah as the Masteron begins to get fully saturated you can start dialing back your AI usage for sure. Not sure what dose of Test your running but you may also think about dialing that back a 100mg or so (again cause the Mast is going to free up a lot more test anyways).

    on a side note - I generally recommend guys who are estrogen sensitive to always have Letro on hand. nothing beats Letro for getting E down quick. I'm not E sensitive myself, but I do experiment and occasionally do run super high dosages of estrgeonic drugs without using an AI and at times my E gets way to high.. a week or two of Letro and I'm good to go.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah as the Masteron begins to get fully saturated you can start dialing back your AI usage for sure. Not sure what dose of Test your running but you may also think about dialing that back a 100mg or so (again cause the Mast is going to free up a lot more test anyways).

    on a side note - I generally recommend guys who are estrogen sensitive to always have Letro on hand. nothing beats Letro for getting E down quick. I'm not E sensitive myself, but I do experiment and occasionally do run super high dosages of estrgeonic drugs without using an AI and at times my E gets way to high.. a week or two of Letro and I'm good to go.
    can't get letro at the moment, would take atclwaat 2 weeks to get here.

    got tons of dex and nolva though

  13. #13
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    Damn how do you guys use mast all the time and still have hair? Lol you boys have some good genetics

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Damn how do you guys use mast all the time and still have hair? Lol you boys have some good genetics
    Masteron is DHT derived, but it itself when metabolized by the body does not convert to DHT and is thus unlikely to cause hair loss.. most guys that say they lost hair while on Masteron is probably because the masteron has a strong affinity to SHBG, thus freeing up more of the TESTOSTERONE they were taking to be converted over to DHT and thus the test actually was the culprit, not the Mast.

    you can run a low dose of Dutesteride and block the DHT at the hair follicle if your worried about it

  15. #15
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    Awesome info thank you

  16. #16
    Lol jokes on you I already need gyno surgery...on a srs note in terms of “gains” how would you compare anadrol to dbol

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cody199477 View Post
    Lol jokes on you I already need gyno surgery...on a srs note in terms of “gains” how would you compare anadrol to dbol
    both of them are Class 2 steroids and thus work apart from androgen receptor binding (thats why they both work well with something that has a very strong affinity to bind to the androgen receptor like Tren). they work by enhancing nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, red blood cell production, nutrient partitioning etc.. they both are very estrogenic, which can be a good thing if overall muscle growth is your goal.

    I find Anadrol is a bit stronger and will more rapidly fill you out (i.e. drive nutrient, minerals, glycogen, etc.. into the muscle cells). thats why it can be used pre-contest. however its fairly toxic and you can only run it about 5 weeks before you lose your appetite and thus loses its effects. Dbol on the other hand can be ran twice as long.

    you won't see this in any online steroid protocols. but I will run both Dbol and Adrol together. I'll do two days on Anadrol then off and take Dbol the third day then back to Anadrol. the negative side effects of Adrol are lessened and your appetite not effected as much and thus you can get by running it a bit longer.

  18. #18
    ANADROL is my personal absolute favorite oral AAS. Nothing gets me bigger and stronger so fast!

  19. #19
    Can you replace the masteron with proviron since it is similar to the masteron in terms of lowering estrogen.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    Can you replace the masteron with proviron since it is similar to the masteron in terms of lowering estrogen.
    You can, but price difference suggest you should run mast because every lab IC proviron is twice as much money on a milligram per milligram basis

    You might as well run masteron and get some better muscle building benefit out of it
    i proviron in my humble opinion is a one-trick pony it'll Blount estrogen and free up some extra test but that's about it

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    Can you replace the masteron with proviron since it is similar to the masteron in terms of lowering estrogen.
    I don't recommend it. even though on paper proviron and mast are similar, from personal experience Mast is WAY better. you get all benefits of Mast plus the fact that its anabolic on top of it ,, where as proviron is not anabolic at all and isn't going to do anything for muscle, its just going to lower shbg and free up more DHT (DHT is not anabolic either , but it will help counter some estrogenic sides).

    Mast has all the negative progesterone and estrogen blunting capabilities plus its anabolic/androgenic properties. proviron on the other hand is going to work kinda like an 'oral dht' per se

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I don't recommend it. even though on paper proviron and mast are similar, from personal experience Mast is WAY better. you get all benefits of Mast plus the fact that its anabolic on top of it ,, where as proviron is not anabolic at all and isn't going to do anything for muscle, its just going to lower shbg and free up more DHT (DHT is not anabolic either , but it will help counter some estrogenic sides).

    Mast has all the negative progesterone and estrogen blunting capabilities plus its anabolic/androgenic properties. proviron on the other hand is going to work kinda like an 'oral dht' per se
    I beat ya to it. Lol

    Student master thing???......not quite yet.. I'm getting to be a big grasshopper though.

  23. #23
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    Another great thread full of information. Through these threads I am slowly starting to understand the methodology of cycle stacks and preventative measures.

  24. #24
    So quick question though; I know nolvadex is anti estro; so prov or masteron is similar to its anti-estro capabilities right? Like prov capabilities aren't preventing aromatization and just an anti-estro similar to masteron? And what is the difference running prov or mast with drol; less water retention?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    So quick question though; I know nolvadex is anti estro; so prov or masteron is similar to its anti-estro capabilities right? Like prov capabilities aren't preventing aromatization and just an anti-estro similar to masteron? And what is the difference running prov or mast with drol; less water retention?
    Nolva is not an anti estrogen.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    So quick question though; I know nolvadex is anti estro; so prov or masteron is similar to its anti-estro capabilities right? Like prov capabilities aren't preventing aromatization and just an anti-estro similar to masteron? And what is the difference running prov or mast with drol; less water retention?
    Nolva is a SelectiveEstrogenReuptakeModulator.
    It competes at reception site occupying the receptor so estrogen can't. Estrogen is still being converted from test as usual

    Masteron is just a steroid that has a ability to blunt estrogen conversion a bit.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Nolva is a SelectiveEstrogenReuptakeModulator.
    It competes at reception site occupying the receptor so estrogen can't. Estrogen is still being converted from test as usual

    Masteron is just a steroid that has a ability to blunt estrogen conversion a bit.
    yes, but why use it then for drol compared to an AI?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    yes, but why use it then for drol compared to an AI?
    Because an AI is stopping aromatase activity, some odd ball mechanism in anadrol let's it become estrogen without aromatase enzyme acting upon it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Nolva is a SelectiveEstrogenReuptakeModulator.
    It competes at reception site occupying the receptor so estrogen can't.
    The "R" stands for "receptor", not reuptake.
    Because it works in different ways on certain estrogen receptors.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    The "R" stands for "receptor", not reuptake.
    Because it works in different ways on certain estrogen receptors.
    I get that one confused with the sarms accronym.

    My bad

    Well NVM, i just realized that r in sarms also means receptor.

    I feel like a str8 fool now

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    So quick question though; I know nolvadex is anti estro

    so prov or masteron is similar to its anti-estro capabilities right?
    Quote Originally Posted by 5millionbucks View Post
    but why use it then for drol compared to an AI
    Nolvadex does not stop the formation of estrogen. in fact nolva essentially IS an estrogen . its just a weak form of estrogen that will bind to receptors , occupying them from more powerful forms of estrogen like e2, and act upon them in selective ways (eg., it will bind to estrogen receptors in breast tissue, occupy those receptors continually and keep 'actual estrogen' from binding and causing the formation of breast tissue).
    this is one way in which a SERM , selective estrogen receptor modulator, works .
    this allows you to selectively blunt receptor sites , while still benefiting from normal to high blood serum levels of estrogen (which is needed for many functions in the body)

    an AI on the other hand stops the formation of estrogen in the first place (ie, it inhibits the aromatase enzyme from converting androgens into estrogen).
    the reason an AI does not do anything for Anadrols estrogenic effects is that Adrol does not aromatize into estrogen in the first place. so stopping the aromatase enzyme does nothing. as I explain in the first post.

  32. #32
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    I know this thread is about A bombs, but I was wondering about the AAS Tbol, It is a derivative of Dianabol (dbol), but it does not aromatize into estrogen. So I'm thinking I wouldn't need an AI, but would I need something like Nolva? Thanks guys.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ads21 View Post
    I know this thread is about A bombs, but I was wondering about the AAS Tbol, It is a derivative of Dianabol (dbol), but it does not aromatize into estrogen. So I'm thinking I wouldn't need an AI, but would I need something like Nolva? Thanks guys.
    you don't need an AI with Tbol . in fact you don't need an AI with most all steroids (as only a few steroids aromatize into estrogen, 90% of them don't). AI's are over rated, over used, and not necessary except in some situations (like situations where estrogen sensitive guys continue to run test only cycles despite knowing they don't tolerate test very well).

    and no you wouldn't need Nolva with Tbol either (it doesn't aromatize, it doesn't act on progestin or estrogen receptors either)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-12-2019 at 11:12 PM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    and no you wouldn't need Nolva with Tbol either (it doesn't aromatize, it doesn't act on progestin or estrogen receptors either)
    note: the reason I bring up a drug not needing a serm like nolva because said drug doesn't act on progestin receptors is because activation of progestin receptors will illicit estrogenic side effects (despite not aromatizing into estrogen).

    take Deca for example .. lots of guys think that Deca aromatizes into estrogen. this is NOT true. Deca does not aromatize**. it has some estrgeonic capacity though because its a Progestin derived drug and will interact with progestin in the body and that has downstream effects that cause estrogenic activity .
    So all you guys that like to blast high dose deca, and run an AI with it thinking that your keeping the estrogen effects from deca at bay, your fooling yourself with your AI. the estrogenic effects from deca don't come from Aromatization.

    of course this is person dependent. guys that are not progestin sensitive will not have any estrogenic effects from deca. this is why deca can be considered a 'non estrogenic' drug (but is a progestin)

    **in some people deca may aromatize but its to such a small and limited capacity that its still fair to say its not an aromatizing compound (and has wrongly been labeled as an aromatizing drug by many a online steroid profile)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-12-2019 at 11:22 PM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    note: the reason I bring up a drug not needing a serm like nolva because said drug doesn't act on progestin receptors is because activation of progestin receptors will illicit estrogenic side effects (despite not aromatizing into estrogen).

    take Deca for example .. lots of guys think that Deca aromatizes into estrogen. this is NOT true. Deca does not aromatize**. it has some estrgeonic capacity though because its a Progestin derived drug and will interact with progestin in the body and that has downstream effects that cause estrogenic activity .
    So all you guys that like to blast high dose deca, and run an AI with it thinking that your keeping the estrogen effects from deca at bay, your fooling yourself with your AI. the estrogenic effects from deca don't come from Aromatization.

    of course this is person dependent. guys that are not progestin sensitive will not have any estrogenic effects from deca. this is why deca can be considered a 'non estrogenic' drug (but is a progestin)

    **in some people deca may aromatize but its to such a small and limited capacity that its still fair to say its not an aromatizing compound (and has wrongly been labeled as an aromatizing drug by many a online steroid profile)
    So if something is triggered downstream it's not going to be around matized from any other hormones and aromatase inhibitor will fail at blocking it?

    So it's only good for if something is converting from something to estrogen through aromatase activity?

    so the Dowbstream effects cannot be mitigated whatsoever with aromatase inhibitor, only blocked with serms ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    So if something is triggered downstream it's not going to be around matized from any other hormones and aromatase inhibitor will fail at blocking it?

    So it's only good for if something is converting from something to estrogen through aromatase activity?

    so the Dowbstream effects cannot be mitigated whatsoever with aromatase inhibitor, only blocked with serms ?
    yeah so an AI is only going to block actual aromatization . if a drug doesn't aromatize to begin with then an AI doesn't do a thing. however, estrogen receptors and estrogenic activity are NOT dependent on aromatization. it can be activated by anything that binds to estgeon receptors and illicits such activity... like anadrol for example. it does not aromatize into estrogen. however it, all by itself apart from aromatization, can bind to estrogen receptors and illicit estrogenic activity.
    also, just like a SERM like Nolva.. Nolva does not need to aromatize into estrogen in order to bind to estrogen receptors. it bypasses that whole process and binds to estrogen receptors as estrogen.
    also, same with drugs like Tren and Deca. they can interact with progesterone receptors AS actual progesterone (the progestin receptors don't know that its tren that bound to it and not actual progesterone). and then through progestin activity we have the downstream effect of estrogenic activity or side effects . . and again, there is no aromatization involved in this at all. so an AI is completely irrelevant in these cases.

    an AI in these cases is like having a really secure dead bolt on your front door to keep thieves from robbing you of your hard earned money ,, when in fact your money you make never enters your house, its direct deposited from your work right into your bank account online. the dead bolt on the front door doesn't do shit... you need to have a bank with good cyber security and all that tech shit.

    so the only time an AI would be beneficial in these type of cases is simply to keep from adding fuel to the fire.. so lets say your running test, Deca and Anadrol and your getting some estrogenic side effects. well because of the Test being aromatized your adding more estrogen on top of the problem.. so you either need to drop the test out, or run an AI to keep from adding more fuel to the fire.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah so an AI is only going to block actual aromatization . if a drug doesn't aromatize to begin with then an AI doesn't do a thing. however, estrogen receptors and estrogenic activity are NOT dependent on aromatization. it can be activated by anything that binds to estgeon receptors and illicits such activity... like anadrol for example. it does not aromatize into estrogen. however it, all by itself apart from aromatization, can bind to estrogen receptors and illicit estrogenic activity.
    also, just like a SERM like Nolva.. Nolva does not need to aromatize into estrogen in order to bind to estrogen receptors. it bypasses that whole process and binds to estrogen receptors as estrogen.
    also, same with drugs like Tren and Deca. they can interact with progesterone receptors AS actual progesterone (the progestin receptors don't know that its tren that bound to it and not actual progesterone). and then through progestin activity we have the downstream effect of estrogenic activity or side effects . . and again, there is no aromatization involved in this at all. so an AI is completely irrelevant in these cases.

    an AI in these cases is like having a really secure dead bolt on your front door to keep thieves from robbing you of your hard earned money ,, when in fact your money you make never enters your house, its direct deposited from your work right into your bank account online. the dead bolt on the front door doesn't do shit... you need to have a bank with good cyber security and all that tech shit.

    so the only time an AI would be beneficial in these type of cases is simply to keep from adding fuel to the fire.. so lets say your running test, Deca and Anadrol and your getting some estrogenic side effects. well because of the Test being aromatized your adding more estrogen on top of the problem.. so you either need to drop the test out, or run an AI to keep from adding more fuel to the fire.
    What exactly causes estrogenic activity down stream after interaction with progestin receptors?

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    note: having said all this . most you guys know that I'm an advocate for high levels of ESTROGEN when on cycle (estrogen being an anabolic hormone with tons of benefits). so in some of the above examples these estrogen issues I speak about may actually be beneficial and be a good thing (especially if your after growth). but there are some situations where we need to limit estrogenic activity . so thats the context I'm speaking about here in regards to AI's and SERMS and limiting estrogen (for a lot of cycles for lots of people , its the exact opposite and we are trying to raise estrogen levels and get some estrogenic activity going)

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    What exactly causes estrogenic activity down stream after interaction with progestin receptors?
    without going into all the details on that (its fairly complex), I'll just sum that up by saying that there is a strong connection between progesterone and estrogen (which you probably already know) .. and that when progestin receptors are activated , its essentially the same thing as having elevated progesterone and your going to be a lot more sensitive and susceptible to estrogen effects .

    example .. if high normal levels of estrogen normally cause you no problems at all , when your progesterone is elevated or progestin receptors activated suddenly those same levels of estrogen become problematic.
    like guys that run Tren (which doesn't convert to estrogen) and end up with gyno symptoms . its not because their estrogen elevated at all, its just simply because of the progestin activity (from the tren) that they then became super sensitive to estrogen , or another way of saying it is that the progestin activity turned their estrogen into "super estrogen" .

    ^. fyi - thats a very very rough and incomplete way of saying this or describing the relationship .. but hopefully a main point got across

  40. #40
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    MENT has an absurdity potent estrogen that it can create which is real interesting. What do ya say about that?

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