Hi everybody, I'm 22 yo, I'm 5'7'' and i was wondering if i can get height somehow.
Hi everybody, I'm 22 yo, I'm 5'7'' and i was wondering if i can get height somehow.
Once your growth plates fuse, it's highly unlikely you will.
Is there really nothing to do?
Don't worry about what you can't change
Height is impossible to change unless you're dumb enough to pay someone for the surgery
Yea, you probably as tall as you gonna get. You fit the bodybuilder height profile
I've heard stories of guys growing another inch or so after years of using growth hormone, but I've always assumed it was folk lore or anecdotal at best! As mentioned, once bone plates are fused it's no longer possible to grow in height.
Google agrees - "Long-term use of HGH injections can cause a condition called acromegaly because adults cannot grow taller by using the synthetic growth hormone. The high doses only thicken the person's bones instead of lengthening them."
Like Goalinmind said don't focus on the things you can't change. I believe our circumstances in life are set up exactly in a way for us to have the best chance at learning what we're meant to learn in this life. Not to get too philosophical here on a steroid forum lol, but if you're 5'7'' then there's a reason for it. Embrace it. Focus on your strengths!
You are perfect height for bodybuilding own that shit!
Don't worry I am 6' 2ish and I wish I was shorter.
The grass is always greener on the other side. I'm 6'2" and, assuming I'd keep all my weight, I'd give almost anything to lose 2-3". I'd have almost perfect proportions and generally speaking, would just feel better about myself in general. Being anything over 5'10"-5'11" is extremely overrated.
Taller people tend to have more joint problems, especially with heavy lifting. I've had to wear knee braces for the last 3 years on leg day, and even then, squatting is difficult. I usually do squats until I feel that first slight bit of knee pain then I go straight to the machines...while wearing a knee brace (looks silly but it's gotta be done). Looking big is nearly impossible for taller people. My arms are 17 1/8" flexed, and I look significantly smaller than people your height that have 15 1/2" arms. In fact I know a guy at my gym who used to be a trainer who's maybe an inch or two shorter than you and just won a national bodybuilding competition last year. His arms can't be much bigger than 15", but for me to have his proportions, I'd have to be at least 300+ lbs. He's maybe 170-175.
When it comes to building muscle, your height is almost perfect. Trust me, you can use that to your overwhelming advantage. Worry about the stuff you CAN fix, and don't stress the stuff you can't fix.
I use to be 6'2", but now I'm 6'1 cause of herniated disc in my lower back. Most shorter people dont have this problem
I'm 5'8". Flying on planes is comfortable, movie seats are fine. Lifting wise, short range of motion on Deadlifts, squats and bench. A pound of weight gain is a pound seen immediately. Own it and consider yourself fortunate. Try to get wider, not taller
leg lengthening surgery bruh
If gh thickens bones, maybe it will thicken your heel and feet bones and give you some height. The average bodybuilder is 5.7, its a good height for proportion. Im 5.5 and i grew til i was about 21 so your probably tapped out naturally. Just get swole as hell and nobody will have anything to say about your height. Chicks usually prefer an in shape short guy over a pudgy tall guy.
But a tall guy in shape? Phew life must be cake for you guys! Lol!
I had a very severe bout with plantar fasciitis. Had to have injections etc. and my orthotics were painful to wear. With my orthofeet there is no need for the orthotics and I can walk again free from pain. I balked a little over the price but freedom from pain is worth every penny spent.
Guys i don't care that much about heavy lifting, or having trouble with exercises.
I just want to be taller.
Not sure why ou want to be taller so badly, but man, aside from super risky surgery, I don't think there's anything you can do about it. Hey man, at least you're taller than Kevin Hart and you know he get all da bitchez
Body image is something a lot of us stress over. I'm 5'11", 205lbs, 10% to 12% bf normally. I've come to simply accept me for me and be comfortable with my body image.
You will probably will gain more height but you can work on your physique. Get muscular and get lean. You can control that part of your body.
lol I had a friend who always said he disliked being tall. He said old ladies always asked him to get stuff off the top shelf for them and he hated it
More than likely someone has made fun of your height (Probably a chick) for you to really want to be taller. I know you really want to be taller but like these guys said no need in stressing about things you can’t control. Most people stop growing around 21 years old. Maybe go to the Dr. and get your testosterone checked. I’ve heard of some people that for whatever reason hit their growth spurt late. I’m not sure if it was into their 20’s but maybe a teenager who took medication that suppressed testosterone during the growing years would the bones still be fully developed? I was a late bloomer and I was 5’4” when I graduated high school and didn’t hit my growth spurt until my first year of college (age 19) when I did my first cycle. I am now 6’1. But I’ve always been under the impression height is more less preprogrammed in your genes. I hope everything works out for you “Guesswhat”. Just be happy for who you are and everything else will fall into place.
Your to old to get taller from taking HGH
No sorry
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