I'm on a self prescribed TRT and I wonder what would be the best way to minimize E levels. As I have noticed elevated E greatly reduces my libido/erections.
One thing is that I think my body spikes estradiol like crazy, even on doses like 200mg a week - I had E levels of 200 - 300s.
So what I have noticed, is that when ended my first cycle the previous year, after about 3 weeks, I still had about 20 [some units] of T - double the natural range, and my libido was much better than during the cycle. I don't remember what my E levels were, maybe 90? I took some AI after the last shot I guess, but it weren't crazy doses. I think I maybe took one tab or half a tab. I didn't take HCG so there was no other source of T & E
Now, I'm on TRT. Due to some complications, I haven't done shots in 2 week, although by mistake I injected double dose last time. I was on 2x60mg, which I think was way too high for TRT. I just did blood work today and have 5.5 T and 45 E. For comparison, this is the level of E I had prior to jumping on gear, with a much smaller T levels. 2 weeks after starting TRT, I had 4.1 T, and 60 E (took 60mg every week).
From my experience, it clearly seems like E levels spike only after injection. When giving it time, even when T levels are elevated, there's not much aromatase going on. Again, compare having 20 T and 90 E (3 weeks post cycle) , to having 4.1 T and 60 E (starting TRT, which at the time was 60mg every week).
Isn't that weird? I would assume it's directly related to T levels. Maybe it's because post injections there's a huge spike of T, which goes down very fast, and that E is the leftover and doesn't. Thoughts?