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Thread: Cypionate pharmokinetics and aromatase

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Cypionate pharmokinetics and aromatase

    I'm on a self prescribed TRT and I wonder what would be the best way to minimize E levels. As I have noticed elevated E greatly reduces my libido/erections.

    One thing is that I think my body spikes estradiol like crazy, even on doses like 200mg a week - I had E levels of 200 - 300s.

    So what I have noticed, is that when ended my first cycle the previous year, after about 3 weeks, I still had about 20 [some units] of T - double the natural range, and my libido was much better than during the cycle. I don't remember what my E levels were, maybe 90? I took some AI after the last shot I guess, but it weren't crazy doses. I think I maybe took one tab or half a tab. I didn't take HCG so there was no other source of T & E

    Now, I'm on TRT. Due to some complications, I haven't done shots in 2 week, although by mistake I injected double dose last time. I was on 2x60mg, which I think was way too high for TRT. I just did blood work today and have 5.5 T and 45 E. For comparison, this is the level of E I had prior to jumping on gear, with a much smaller T levels. 2 weeks after starting TRT, I had 4.1 T, and 60 E (took 60mg every week).

    From my experience, it clearly seems like E levels spike only after injection. When giving it time, even when T levels are elevated, there's not much aromatase going on. Again, compare having 20 T and 90 E (3 weeks post cycle) , to having 4.1 T and 60 E (starting TRT, which at the time was 60mg every week).

    Isn't that weird? I would assume it's directly related to T levels. Maybe it's because post injections there's a huge spike of T, which goes down very fast, and that E is the leftover and doesn't. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    the 60-120mg a week of test for TRT your taking shouldn't require any estrogen control . I would stick to ONE protocol for 6 weeks straight and then get blood work. don't try one dosage one week, then miss a dosage for 2 weeks, then try another dosage. stick to one protocol for awhile and then evaluate and get blood work.
    also, make sure you get blood work and get the sensitive essay for E2. otherwise your E on blood work is generally always going to show up on the high end

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    You know, GH. I thought I was "estrogen sensitive" I was sure of it, until I ran blood work, and realized I'm not.

    I have a friend same age, weight, height and dose. He's legitimately Estrogen sensitive. same ai dose as well. He's markedly higher e2 on bloods than I am.

    I think I'm just carb sensitive or something, any extra Cal's and it shows up drastically.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    You know, GH. I thought I was "estrogen sensitive" I was sure of it, until I ran blood work, and realized I'm not.

    I have a friend same age, weight, height and dose. He's legitimately Estrogen sensitive. same ai dose as well. He's markedly higher e2 on bloods than I am.

    I think I'm just carb sensitive or something, any extra Cal's and it shows up drastically.

    I actually think there are more guys walking around and running AAS that are actually more 'androgen sensitive' then they are 'estrogen sensitive'.. the thing is nobody takes "Anti androgens" like they do anti estrogens , or think that androgen sensitivity is a real thing.
    but it is and the side effects are more common then the estrogen side effects.

    why do so many guys have issues with high dosages of Tren . because its one of the most androgenic substances on earth. if you have any androgen sensitivity then Tren is surely going to bring it out (mental issues, lack of sleep, CNS over stimulation, hair loss, acne, etc.. are all elevated androgen issues).
    most negative side effects from steroids are androgen sensitivity issues .

    meanwhile. estrogen gets all the heat for being the "bad" hormone causing all the side effects .

    then you have these 25 year old sexy fitness girls with perfect skin, perfect hair, good muscularity, stamina and strength, perfect blood work (especially lipid profile), zero risk of heart disease, perfect blood pressure, great cardiovascular health, etc. etc.. the list goes on. and one thing they all have in common is that they are at the peak of their life with super elevated estrogen levels .
    once these same women hit 50 and menopause and their estrogen plummets, they go to shit and all the bad side effects come up (they lose their hair, skin tone sucks, lose muscle, risk of heart disease, bad cholesterol now etc.)

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