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Thread: How long or often can you run Anavar?

  1. #1
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    How long or often can you run Anavar?

    Ran 20 mg. 2x day for 10 weeks with 200 mg. Test per week.

    Also T-3, clen (never again) & 4 iu’s of hgh.

    Absolutely loved the stuff & dug the gains. Hgh is here to stay, but question is how often can I use the Anavar?

  2. #2
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    I think it depends on your bloodwork. Waiting until your lipids, HCT and liver enzymes come back fine will suffice imho, though I am not a fan of running orals frequently but thats me (I had choledochal cyst and got my bile duct reconstructed).

  3. #3
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    Btw, rather than blasting it, using it low dose throughout your cruise period also yields great results and safer for your liver.

  4. #4
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    While it may not be advisable I’m pretty sure you could run moderate dosages of anavar almost indefinitely.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    I think it depends on your bloodwork. Waiting until your lipids, HCT and liver enzymes come back fine will suffice imho, though I am not a fan of running orals frequently but thats me (I had choledochal cyst and got my bile duct reconstructed).
    Bloodwork was fine 8 weeks in.

  6. #6
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    It's pretty individual; it depends of dosages and your personal hematic response about your health markers. There are a lot of people who drink 1-2 glass of wine ( or more ) every day for all life and they stay almost good, with light liver enzymes increasing. Of course if you drink 1 liter of wine every day, in time you will have issues at 100%. So, you can stay on Var at 10-20mg/ED or more for all life but will be your body ( and blood work ) that will decide how harmful it will be. So, take it, keeping low dosages for a long time, increase them for a brief period, and monitor your health markers periodically.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    It's pretty individual; it depends of dosages and your personal hematic response about your health markers. There are a lot of people who drink 1-2 glass of wine ( or more ) every day for all life and they stay almost good, with light liver enzymes increasing. Of course if you drink 1 liter of wine every day, in time you will have issues at 100%. So, you can stay on Var at 10-20mg/ED or more for all life but will be your body ( and blood work ) that will decide how harmful it will be. So, take it, keeping low dosages for a long time, increase them for a brief period, and monitor your health markers periodically.
    First off, TY.

    Secondly, I’m not quite at a liter of wine EVERY day (but pretty damn close). Odd that you mentioned it, made me laugh out loud.

    Lucky I have a good liver so far (going to be 61). Have had an ultrasound and BW is always good.

    Again, TY for the advice of you and others above!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Ran 20 mg. 2x day for 10 weeks with 200 mg. Test per week.

    Also T-3, clen (never again) & 4 iu’s of hgh.

    Absolutely loved the stuff & dug the gains. Hgh is here to stay, but question is how often can I use the Anavar?
    Anavar has been used at 5-20mg per day as a medical intervention for a long time. Most big pharma companies manufacture Anavar as 10mg scored tablets.

    I would recommend Primobolan, Masteron, or Deca personally at a low therapeutic dose before anavar indefinitely. To each their own though.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Anavar has been used at 5-20mg per day as a medical intervention for a long time. Most big pharma companies manufacture Anavar as 10mg scored tablets.

    I would recommend Primobolan, Masteron, or Deca personally at a low therapeutic dose before anavar indefinitely. To each their own though.
    Windex, would it be too much to ask what doses you like to run & what the advantages of each offer? I’m a complete novice. Have only been doing TRT till this year.

    TY ahead of time! I just had a really nice result with the var. I know there was some synergy between the var, clen, t3 & I’m sure the HGH didn’t hurt.

  10. #10
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    Var is under rated. its actually up to 6 times more anabolic then Test. it was designed to be a "perfect anabolic" . its not "toxic" for most people. it was actually prescribed in medicine to treat alcoholic liver disease (reason for this is because its regenerative capacity at low dose outweighs its liver toxicity . . . so that gives you an idea how "liver toxic" it is).. Var is also a direct performance enhancer because of its ability to upregulate creatine phosphate rapidly (perform better in the gym, on the track or field, etc.) .. compared to some steroids that only have 'indirect' performance enhancement. it'll lower SHBG and free up more test (also more DHT), so in a way it can better optimize your TRT dose of test (you can get by with less test)..

    I could go on

    anyhow. Var is great all around. and yes its super synergetic with T3 and Clen stack, but can be used with tons of other stacks.. if you tolerate it well its something you could run nearly year round at moderate dosages ,, I'd just set it up like 7 weeks on, 4 weeks off, repeat, year round.

    just stay on top of your blood work.. its not liver enzymes necessarily you need to stay on top of , but your lipid profile as well (dht based orals have a tendency to impact this in a lot of people.. the fact that you don't use an AI will be a big benefit here though)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Var is under rated. its actually up to 6 times more anabolic then Test. it was designed to be a "perfect anabolic" . its not "toxic" for most people. it was actually prescribed in medicine to treat alcoholic liver disease (reason for this is because its regenerative capacity at low dose outweighs its liver toxicity . . . so that gives you an idea how "liver toxic" it is).. Var is also a direct performance enhancer because of its ability to upregulate creatine phosphate rapidly (perform better in the gym, on the track or field, etc.) .. compared to some steroids that only have 'indirect' performance enhancement. it'll lower SHBG and free up more test (also more DHT), so in a way it can better optimize your TRT dose of test (you can get by with less test)..

    I could go on

    anyhow. Var is great all around. and yes its super synergetic with T3 and Clen stack, but can be used with tons of other stacks.. if you tolerate it well its something you could run nearly year round at moderate dosages ,, I'd just set it up like 7 weeks on, 4 weeks off, repeat, year round.

    just stay on top of your blood work.. its not liver enzymes necessarily you need to stay on top of , but your lipid profile as well (dht based orals have a tendency to impact this in a lot of people.. the fact that you don't use an AI will be a big benefit here though)
    God has spoken! TY GH!

    THE man, ladies & gentlemen!

  12. #12
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    Agree with GearHeaded. Var is one of the best compound a body-builder ( male and female ) should never exclude in its arsenal. I give it to my girlfriend at 5mg/ED year round and she's good.
    Last edited by Slacker78; 06-14-2019 at 02:47 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Windex, would it be too much to ask what doses you like to run & what the advantages of each offer? I’m a complete novice. Have only been doing TRT till this year.

    TY ahead of time! I just had a really nice result with the var. I know there was some synergy between the var, clen, t3 & I’m sure the HGH didn’t hurt.
    Primobolan ; 100-200mg. I'm convinced it's osteo-protective but my bone density scan coming up will reveal. Also provides more anabolism without Testosterone side effects. Does not negatively impact bloodwork.

    Masteron; 100-200mg. Accomplishes same thing as an AI @ TRT doses (especially paired with DIM) but instead of using a cancer based drug you are using an anabolic steroid instead. Does not impact bloodwork.

    Nandrolone; 75-150mg per week. Joint protective. Very anablolic. Trade OFF = need to remove minimum 6 weeks prior to bloodwork. Most people feel like a cripple during this time if they have been on for a while. Can be offset using Glucosamine + Chondrotin Sulfate + MSM year round.

    Parabolan 50-75mg per week. Feed efficiency increased, easier to keep gains off a blast, significantly easier to recomp - removing the need to cut/bulk Yo-Yo. Trade off = very expensive due to constant bloodwork monitoring cholesterol and lipids. Can be thyroid suppressive.

    Winstrol (no HRT experience personally) - used at 2.5mg - 10mg per day if SHBG is of a concern .

    Anavar - 5-20mg/day as mentioned previously.

    All of the above injectables also allow TRT to be reduced (ie I can go from 150mg Test down to 75-90mg). I also inject 3x per week and only use long esters for maximum blood stability. The difference in 2x vs 3x per week on Enanthate or longer esters is significant enough imo.

    Other hormones to run indefinitely ;

    DHEA ; 25mg AM and 25mg PM (popularized by Dr John Crisler). "Master" hormone. Research suggests also helps in GH production and improved sleep cycles.

    Calciferol (Vitamin D3 - not technically a vitamin, actually a hormone, labelled as such because of WHO/FDA) : 35IU per pound of body weight (rounded up). Responsible for signalling pathways of other hormones.

    HCG 500-1500IU ; replaces LH and FSH

    HRT "Accessories":

    Magnesium (online calculation based on body weight ) and Vitamin K2 (75-100mcg) : Cofactors for Vitamin D3 to prevent calcium leeching from bones. Magnesium also top 5 deficiency in north america.

    DIM : extract from cruciferous vegetables, 200-600mg per day. Used to fight "bad estrogen".

    Injectable B12 @ 500-1000mcg per day ; good for when appetite crashes and need to rev it back up.

    Proactive Peptides;

    BPC157 and TB500 - also known as the healing peptides. Both naturally occurring in body. (there's online formula to calculate dosage based on body weight). Only ran it once myself but helped significantly. Seen suggested to use 2-3 times per year to help prevent injury.
    Last edited by Windex; 06-14-2019 at 04:32 AM.
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  14. #14
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    Great post Windex, thanks

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeeCee112 View Post
    Great post Windex, thanks
    This ^^^!

    Thank you very much Windex! What an amazing forum!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Ran 20 mg. 2x day for 10 weeks with 200 mg. Test per week.

    Also T-3, clen (never again) & 4 iu’s of hgh.

    Absolutely loved the stuff & dug the gains. Hgh is here to stay, but question is how often can I use the Anavar?
    I know guys who have ran it 16 weeks with success and no problems but I think for most guys/gals 10-12 wks is plenty.

  17. #17
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    I heard this from the “wisest” of juicer - until u can’t afford it anymore

    Ran Var close to 50mg for almost 3 months - it felt like super low dose tren & mast, but the strength increase was way better than on tren/mast
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 06-21-2019 at 06:34 PM.

  18. #18
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    I ran 25 mg/day for 16 weeks, no sides, good results

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I heard this from the “wisest” of juicer - until u can’t afford it anymore

    Ran Var close to 50mg for almost 3 months - it felt like super low dose tren & mast, but the strength increase was way better than on tren/mast
    You said “better” strength that Tren and mast wow?! What dosages are we talking here

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I heard this from the “wisest” of juicer - until u can’t afford it anymore

    Ran Var close to 50mg for almost 3 months - it felt like super low dose tren & mast, but the strength increase was way better than on tren/mast
    I ran var the first three months of this year, am running tren & Mast now. I agree, I was making better strength gains with the var.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I ran var the first three months of this year, am running tren & Mast now. I agree, I was making better strength gains with the var.
    Not to hyjack the thread, but why is it that orals are so much better for providing (rapid) strength gains?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Not to hyjack the thread, but why is it that orals are so much better for providing (rapid) strength gains?
    Anavar directly upregulates CP, creatine phosphate, so thats going to provide an immediate strength and performance benefit in the gym, even from one dose. this is why Var is known for its strength increases.. where as something like Tren is more of an androgenic strength that comes from aggression and stimulation of the nervous system (so its not directly physiological like with Var , its an indirect thing).

    orals in general are just much more potent drugs mg for mg.. I believe this is because of how they are broken down and metabolized by the liver. heck even IGF levels go up much higher when running orals because the liver increases IGF output when processing 17 alka oral steroids (compared to oils).

    heres examples of how powerful orals are
    Tren ace can be ran at 100mg per day..
    Methyl Tren ("oral tren") can be ran at only like 1-2mg per day . yes 1 mg per day.. some guys run it in mcg's only and its very potent at that low a dose

    EQ can be ran at 1500mg per week
    Dbol (which is oral EQ) is very potent at only 50mg per day (350mg per week).. thats a quarter of the dose and you'll get more size with the Dbol at that low a dose then EQ at the high dose

    something about the methylation and 17 alka process and the way the liver has to break these things down just seems to increases the potency big time.. that higher potency will result in more strength (dependent on the drug)

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Anavar directly upregulates CP, creatine phosphate, so thats going to provide an immediate strength and performance benefit in the gym, even from one dose. this is why Var is known for its strength increases.. where as something like Tren is more of an androgenic strength that comes from aggression and stimulation of the nervous system (so its not directly physiological like with Var , its an indirect thing).

    orals in general are just much more potent drugs mg for mg.. I believe this is because of how they are broken down and metabolized by the liver. heck even IGF levels go up much higher when running orals because the liver increases IGF output when processing 17 alka oral steroids (compared to oils).

    heres examples of how powerful orals are
    Tren ace can be ran at 100mg per day..
    Methyl Tren ("oral tren") can be ran at only like 1-2mg per day . yes 1 mg per day.. some guys run it in mcg's only and its very potent at that low a dose

    EQ can be ran at 1500mg per week
    Dbol (which is oral EQ) is very potent at only 50mg per day (350mg per week).. thats a quarter of the dose and you'll get more size with the Dbol at that low a dose then EQ at the high dose

    something about the methylation and 17 alka process and the way the liver has to break these things down just seems to increases the potency big time.. that higher potency will result in more strength (dependent on the drug)
    One of the best things about cruising (instead of coming off) is the ability to run orals pre workout.

    My current go to is 50mg of dbol pre workout, but var or drol fits the bill too. I don’t use any of the stronger ones for this purpose.

    speaking of dbol... does it make anyone else feel... I dunno... “buzzy”?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    You said “better” strength that Tren and mast wow?! What dosages are we talking here

    50mg+ daily

    No massive size increase, good overall feeling + my strength damn near jumped

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