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Thread: Puffy Nipps NPP?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Puffy Nipps NPP?

    Hello All,

    I'm having some tenderness and puffiness at times, mostly at night or just when resting seems intermittent. Current gear is 300Mg/Masteron, 450mg/Test E and 150mg/NPP weekly (over 3 injections per week) also 1mg of Arimidex every 5 days. Program was working well until recently (still not bad) I added the NPP. I have increased the Arimidex to 2.5mg a week, scared to go any higher. Not sure if I should drop the NPP , lower the amount of Test or just take more Arimidex. Had blood work done in July, "E" levels a little elevated nothing crazy 43.8. Any advice is most appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    If you were progressing well until you added the NPP, drop the NPP. If it is just tenderness and / or puffiness, especially at night, that is likely normal hormonal fluctuation. Gyno won't go away just because you went to sleep.

    Also, if you are going to take adex, I would recommend spreading the dose out over the course of several days, not all at once. Like if you feel like you need it (and if you drop the NPP maybe you wont), take a quarter tab every other day for the lower dose, half tab every other for the higher dose.
    Thanks Cylon,
    I think I will drop the Npp. Also spread the Adex out better, I was taking every third day with the higher dose. I will try the lower dose (eod) if it continues after stopping the NPP. Thanks again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    No more than your taking might as well drop the npp. If u had blood pulled and your E was in range at 43 then it’s probably prolactin related. Hormonal changes will cause nipp sensitivity anyway. Just part of the game tbh

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    It's probably prolactin related. Have you tried using caber or prami? I'd start with caber .25mg twice a week and if that doesn't work go up to .5mg twice a week.

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