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Thread: Holding water in my face

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Holding water in my face

    Running just 200 test c along with mast e at 300 pw. Feeling great looking great but I feel like I'm holding water in my face.

    Diets in check and drinking plenty of water. Not running an ai cause didn't think I need it with that low of test and the mast.

    Libido is through the roof and getting veiny and great pumps all day long.

    Any advice on how to get rid of this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbadwolf250 View Post
    Running just 200 test c along with mast e at 300 pw. Feeling great looking great but I feel like I'm holding water in my face.

    Diets in check and drinking plenty of water. Not running an ai cause didn't think I need it with that low of test and the mast.

    Libido is through the roof and getting veiny and great pumps all day long.

    Any advice on how to get rid of this?
    Water retention comes with the territory of using especially long esters.

    Plenty of articles on here and google regarding its exact cause, mechanism of action and the best course of action forward.

    I dont feel comfortable telling you which compounds to take or not take. Read up and make your own informed decision.

    Search forum for "bloat" or search forum/google for "anabolic steroids effect on water retention"

    Best of luck to you. And I wouldn't wait too long to get on it.

    Take care.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Several random thoughts:

    Moon face it pretty common. The most likely thing (from my experience) would be high estrogen, but like you said, I wouldn't think those amounts would raise your E very high. But if your gear is from an UGL, who knows whats happening. you could be running 500 Test.

    Get blood work and you'll know for sure... but personally, I probably wouldn't

    Its likely temporary. You could drop the gear and it'll clear up.... but who wants to do that

    Its "only" in your face? no where else? if so, might be in your head... no pun intended.

    But otherwise Estrogen is really my only thought, you could run a low dose of AI anyway and see if it helps clear some water, or you live with it until your cycle is over.

    Not to sound all dramatic, it could be kidney related if for some reason your kidneys are struggling to expel water, but I think round-face is a common and if you were having significant water problems it would likely be in more than just your face.


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