In the past I've done heavy cycles lasting about 12 - 14 weeks. I put on a lot of size and strength, but then in the 1 - 3 months afterward, I shrank quite a bit -- not right back down to my original size before the cycle but I would lose a lot of my gains.
One solution to this problem is to never come off -- i.e. to blast and cruise all your life. I'm not prepared to make that commitment yet.
So I'm looking for an alternative... and here's what I have in mind:
(Phase 1) Take heavy steroids for 8 weeks (Tren A 150mg EOD + Test E 100mg/wk)
(Phase 2) Take mild steroids at medium dose for 4 weeks (Var 50mg ED)
(Phase 3) Mini-PCT for 2 or 3 weeks of Clomid, Nolva and also Clenbuterol as an anti-catabolic
As auxiliaries, I might take hCG and Caber during Phase 1, and just hCG during Phase 2. I shouldn't have any need for estrogen control.
With a cycle like this, I won't get as big and strong, however there won't be nearly as much shrinkage afterward, and also it will be easier on my liver and HPTA. Taking Anavar for 4 weeks after the Tren should hopefully easy my body into its 'new normal'. I could do this cycle twice a year.
Back in 2014, I took Tren E 1.2 g/wk and I grew a lot very quickly -- everyone at the gym noticed how quickly I was growing -- but unfortunately my liver nearly failed. So if I do this less-extreme cycle I'm proposing, then I'll test my cholesterol and liver values with home test kits, and also test blood pressure.