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Thread: Some Post Cycle Losses - - Frustration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Some Post Cycle Losses - - Frustration

    I'm 6 weeks post first cycle. I used clomid for 3 weeks, have kept my workouts up and my protein intake high. I initially went from 190 to 218 and was thrilled. Then, about 5 weeks post cycle, I evened out at about 205-207 and was quite pleased. I thought I was "keeping" about 15 pounds.

    I did gain some size around my midsection from the massively increased food intake.

    Now, 6 weeks post cycle, and I'm noticing the vastly increased musculature is significantly diminishing. I'm down to weighing about 203 and, unfortunately, my midsection is not the part that is shrinking.

    Can anyone give any advice or helpful info or insight?

  2. #2
    I experienced the exact same thing and was frustrated as hell. By chance, I had my blood drawn for a complete profile post cycle (about 4 weeks into the post cycle). All parameters were within normal except my cortisol which happen to be 10x the normal.

    If you do some research on high cortisol you will see that all the negative sides (loss of weight but increase in abdominal fat) are symptoms of high cortisol. The gear keeps the cortisol in check so when you come off, cortisol levels will rise. Depending upon the person, they may extend beyond what is normal and/or it can take an extended time to recover.

    I am not saying it was the cause of mine or your frustration but it sure makes me think it is the culprit. I am just coming off cycle now and am using PS which has shown to decrease cortisol as much as 50% when using 800mg/day. Since I am only in my second week of post cycle I cannot say yet that the PS is the answer. Get your cortisol levels tested post cycle next time and see if this may not be your problem. If so, try using PS for 4-8 weeks beginning when you start your clomid therapy.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    That's an interesting thought. I've done quite a bit of research myself and there is no question cortisol plays a large role in the "losses" equation. For you, with it being 10x normal levels, it seems to be a front running culprit.

    With my hectic job, home life with young kid etc. I'm quite certain my cortisol levels are sky high too. I was considering clen to ward this off. What is the PS?>?


  4. #4
    The weird thing for me is I have ZERO stress. I couldnt ask for a better life so I know that stress is not playing a part in the cortisol levels. Additionally, I know that older guys take longer to recover + have lower Test levels when they do finally come back post cycle so the cortisol is in high concentrations for a long time. Dont know your age but I am over 40.

    PS = Phosphatidyl Serine

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Is the PS an over the counter?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jobedog
    Is the PS an over the counter?
    Yup, its a bit pricey but if you search the internet you can find some good deals. Dont get the blend of lipids just the Phosphatidyl Serine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    What was your cycle?


    Quote Originally Posted by muslhead
    Yup, its a bit pricey but if you search the internet you can find some good deals. Dont get the blend of lipids just the Phosphatidyl Serine.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixter
    What was your cycle?

    My cycle looked something like this
    wk 1-5 Deca and Test E 400mg/wk of each
    wk 1-3 20mg Dbol/day
    wk 5-10 Eq and Test E 400mg/wk of each
    wks 10-14 Prop/fina 50mg/day each
    wks 1-14 2iu/day GH
    and the appropriate ancillaries

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