Here in England, U.K our government has outlined a plan to exit lockdown, so I'm thinking of starting my 7th cycle around June, which is the proposed date of when all lockdown restrictions will be lifted.
My last cycle which lasted 12 weeks started in January 2019 and I segued into a cruise which lasted until September, which I then jacked in as a lack of hard training with gyms closed just decimated my gains. Consequently, I've gained a few pounds of the fat variety around my mid-section which I'll be getting rid of in the run up to the cycle.
The aim of this cycle is to get some solid gains back and to get as much bang for my buck, while being judicious of course. This will be my first tren cycle, which I'm apprehensive about, whilst also being curious as to how this compound matches up to its formidable status.
What do you think of my plan below? I'm thinking of adding an oral, perhaps t-bol or var, but not sure if it's necessary given the tren?
Current stats
18 - 20%
Week 1-10
Test p - 200mg EOD
Tren a - 50 mg EOD
Mast - 600mg EW?
Aromasin - 25mg x 3 EW - however, this is tentative, as my AI usage usually is on cycle.
The usual PCT.
Any advice appreciated