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Thread: Post COVID mid summer cycle

  1. #1

    Post COVID mid summer cycle

    Here in England, U.K our government has outlined a plan to exit lockdown, so I'm thinking of starting my 7th cycle around June, which is the proposed date of when all lockdown restrictions will be lifted.

    My last cycle which lasted 12 weeks started in January 2019 and I segued into a cruise which lasted until September, which I then jacked in as a lack of hard training with gyms closed just decimated my gains. Consequently, I've gained a few pounds of the fat variety around my mid-section which I'll be getting rid of in the run up to the cycle.

    The aim of this cycle is to get some solid gains back and to get as much bang for my buck, while being judicious of course. This will be my first tren cycle, which I'm apprehensive about, whilst also being curious as to how this compound matches up to its formidable status.

    What do you think of my plan below? I'm thinking of adding an oral, perhaps t-bol or var, but not sure if it's necessary given the tren?

    Current stats
    18 - 20%

    Week 1-10
    Test p - 200mg EOD
    Tren a - 50 mg EOD
    Mast - 600mg EW?

    Aromasin - 25mg x 3 EW - however, this is tentative, as my AI usage usually is on cycle.

    The usual PCT.

    Any advice appreciated

  2. #2
    Have you run roughly 1.5 gram cycles previously? Can you kick the aromasin if you lower test dose? You already have mast as some protection vs. estrogenic sides. I have to wonder how much you’ll actually recover doing normal PCT 7 cycles deep after running 19nors. Tren dose seems super reasonable and 600 mast sounds great, maybe not run Tren for 10 weeks straight and split it up with 5 weeks Tren and 5 weeks of the oral you were thinking of adding?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Any reason you are going with the short esters? That much pinning can cause scarring in the long term.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Any reason you are going with the short esters? That much pinning can cause scarring in the long term.
    First time doing Tren and acetate is preferred from what i've gathered?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    Have you run roughly 1.5 gram cycles previously? Can you kick the aromasin if you lower test dose? You already have mast as some protection vs. estrogenic sides. I have to wonder how much you’ll actually recover doing normal PCT 7 cycles deep after running 19nors. Tren dose seems super reasonable and 600 mast sounds great, maybe not run Tren for 10 weeks straight and split it up with 5 weeks Tren and 5 weeks of the oral you were thinking of adding?
    This will be my first 'advanced' cycle. Looking at the plan again I'm thinking I should lower the mast to 300-400 g EW and perhaps gauge how i respond? I'm not even sure why Mast is needed? It it's to offset some of the issues that can arise from Tren, then I could substitute it for Proviron instead, which would be cheaper.

    What's your thinking behind running Tren for 5 weeks only?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    What's your thinking behind running Tren for 5 weeks only?
    It’s your first time and rarely see advanced cycle planners run for 10 weeks. I’ve seen guys here mention the sides get worse the longer they were on. You could always plan it and pull the plug/reevaluate

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    This will be my first 'advanced' cycle. Looking at the plan again I'm thinking I should lower the mast to 300-400 g EW and perhaps gauge how i respond? I'm not even sure why Mast is needed? It it's to offset some of the issues that can arise from Tren, then I could substitute it for Proviron instead, which would be cheaper.

    What's your thinking behind running Tren for 5 weeks only?
    Ive run ALOT of cycles and never managed to run tren ace over 4 weeks over 300mg a week

    Mast just pairs well with Tren like clomid and nolva do together.

  8. #8
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    Arctic Circle
    If it was me I would keep the mast high at the 600-700mg and reduce Test if you are concerned about Estrogen. Lower test + high mast can eliminate the need for an AI. Perhaps 75mg/day of Test perhaps.

    Another consideration may be an oral such as Anavar to have on hand. Let's say Tren punches you in the face and 6 weeeks in you have to drop it. The next 4 weeks you can transition to Anavar. If you tolerate the Tren then you get to keep the Anavar for a future cycle. I'm only offering this as a suggestion as sometimes people get discouraged if they end up having to drop a compound.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    It’s your first time and rarely see advanced cycle planners run for 10 weeks. I’ve seen guys here mention the sides get worse the longer they were on. You could always plan it and pull the plug/reevaluate
    This is true and something I hadn't taken into consideration while planning this, surprisingly. I think has been a reason why tren hasn't been a consideration before for me - it's powerful and often difficult to manage and only being able to run it for a short time frame is indicative of this, I think.

    A five week run of tren it is!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If it was me I would keep the mast high at the 600-700mg and reduce Test if you are concerned about Estrogen. Lower test + high mast can eliminate the need for an AI. Perhaps 75mg/day of Test perhaps.

    Another consideration may be an oral such as Anavar to have on hand. Let's say Tren punches you in the face and 6 weeeks in you have to drop it. The next 4 weeks you can transition to Anavar. If you tolerate the Tren then you get to keep the Anavar for a future cycle. I'm only offering this as a suggestion as sometimes people get discouraged if they end up having to drop a compound.
    I grow well off test and I like the effects it gives me. Also, I want to add some mass and I guess I would be concerned that lowering the test might impede my gains.

    But I am considering running an oral as well - tbol sounds promising, but I feel like tren does everything tbol can do, but four fold.
    Last edited by Lee_1978; 03-02-2021 at 05:55 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Ive run ALOT of cycles and never managed to run tren ace over 4 weeks over 300mg a week

    Mast just pairs well with Tren like clomid and nolva do together.
    Have you ever run tbol with tren?

  12. #12
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    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Have you ever run tbol with tren?
    I've only ever ran anadrol and anavar with Tren. I will 100% be running anadrol with it from now on. I like to keep it at 50mg per day. After that the sides are too much.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Have you ever run tbol with tren?
    Never ran tbol. I like anadrol with tren, its a toxic cycle i wont run long but the results are great and i am probably at my strongest on tren and anadrol also. Its just not a user friendly cycle i leave it for special occasions

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Have you ever run tbol with tren?
    I've run tbol and I've run tren.
    Never together though.
    Tbol is minor leagues compared to tren.

    I highly doubt you'll notice the tbol if you are on tren.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    Have you ever run tbol with tren?
    I do not really use tren during bulking. If I use it, it is a very low dose (200-300 mg). Nandrolone is my bulking staple.
    Tren is my cutting staple so I would not be using anadrol or tbol.
    I do use tbol in place of Dbol when I want a leaner bulk.
    Some people consider tbol to be a weaker AAS but I have found my use for it and I love it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    I've only ever ran anadrol and anavar with Tren. I will 100% be running anadrol with it from now on. I like to keep it at 50mg per day. After that the sides are too much.
    What's the anadrol tren combo like?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I've run tbol and I've run tren.
    Never together though.
    Tbol is minor leagues compared to tren.

    I highly doubt you'll notice the tbol if you are on tren.
    Yeah, I agree.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Never ran tbol. I like anadrol with tren, its a toxic cycle i wont run long but the results are great and i am probably at my strongest on tren and anadrol also. Its just not a user friendly cycle i leave it for special occasions
    How has anadrol/tren treated you?

    I can imagine how awesome such a cycle would be, but I would honestly be worried about combining the two.

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