So I’m new to the forum, but not to gear. I’ve cycled off and on through my whole life, trying just about everything.(I love Tren 🤩after a run in with some bad guys toy in the desert, my hormones got really jacked up from the shock wave. So now I find myself on TRT. Which is not all that bad, I have a great doctor that lets me do what I want and keeps up with my labs. Ok enough about me, now that peptides have been a round for a while and people have not turned into lizards or anything, I want to give them a shot. I ordered a few cjc 1295 with DAC(5mg) this seemed to be equivalent to long chain AS. So I figure easier way to start, over being a pin cushion.
Now questions, what is the best mixture of Bac to powder, starting dosage, length of cycle, what to stack with it and can peptides replace my TRT or just use as an add on.
I can answer most questions on AS but I am dumb to the peptide world, so any and all info will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Also if I overlooked the peptide forum, apologize