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Thread: Advice

  1. #1


    Hello I finishing up a blast and wanted to go alittle longer I had some blood work done and it all seems normal. This is part of it can anyone tell me what they think. And if red blood cell count isn't up? How's the gear. I am getting stronger leaner and lil acne on back. Thank u for ur time WBC'S AUTO
    Your value
    8.3 x1000/mcL
    Standard range
    4.0 - 11.0 x1000/mcL
    Your value
    4.99 Mill/mcL
    Standard range
    4.70 - 6.10 Mill/mcL
    Your value
    14.2 g/dL
    Standard range
    14.0 - 18.0 g/dL
    Your value
    44.6 %
    Standard range
    42.0 - 52.0 %
    Your value
    89.4 fL
    Standard range
    80.0 - 94.0 fL
    Your value
    28.5 pg/cell
    Standard range
    27.0 - 35.0 pg/cell
    Your value
    31.8 g/dL
    Standard range
    32.0 - 37.0 g/dL
    Your value
    13.8 %
    Standard range
    11.5 - 14.5 %
    Your value
    313 x1000/mcL
    Standard range
    130 - 400 x1000/mcL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I think you're asking if your gear is legit based on this blood work. What are you taking, and how much of it?

  3. #3
    Hello I am taking
    Test e 250 mg sustanon 250mg deca 500 broken down every 3.5 days .
    I was about 5 weeks in there. It's been about 16 weeks gone cruise shortly. My gear crashed so I think it's legit and I have gotten leaner as I indicated. My dumbell press went from 90s to 120 and am able to work a construction with virtually any fatigue. My question is is that blood work correlate to using gear.? I have another 1 soon but it's for a condition I have and alil nervous. The next will included cholesterol thank u for ur time.

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