Hello everyone. I'm new to the gear scene and this is my first post, so thanks in advance for your patience and advice. Here's my background info:
- Male, late 30s
- 5'5" and 150 lbs. 13% body fat
- Training experience: 15+ years lifting weights
I know some of you will probably look at my bodyweight and say that I still have a long way to go without AAS. That might be true, but also consider that I've been lifting for a while and have already gained 30 lbs of muscle (not BW) since I started lifting (yes, I was 120 lbs in my 20s... I come from a family of skinny people). It's been tough for me to gain muscle or strength for many years. For reference, my powerlifting total is over 1200 lbs at under 145 lbs bodyweight, so while I might not be at my absolute limit for strength, I'm probably not that far from it. Muscle gain might be another story since I've been suppressing my bodyweight to stay in certain weight classes (multiple sports).
I don't compete any more so my new goal is to have some fun and get swole!I want to gain ~25 lbs of muscle over the course of several AAS/lean bulk cycles. Eventually want to be comfortable walking around at 8% - 10% body fat most of the year. So here's my first AAS cycle that I'm planning on running in a few weeks:
12-Week Cycle
- Testosterone Cypionate (400mg / week total)- 200mg, 2x / week on Monday / Thursday
- hCG (400mg / week total) - 200mg, 2x / week on Sunday / Wednesday
- Arimidex (1mg / week total) - .5mg, 2x / week on Wednesday and Friday
- Donate blood 2x during cycle, planning for week 2 and again during week 10
PCT (begins 18 days after last testosterone injection)
- Clomid (week 1 / 2 / 3 /4 in mgs per day): 75 / 50 / 50 / 50
- Nolvadex (week 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 in mgs per day): 40 / 20 / 20 / 20
Other Questions
I have a couple other questions (sorry if these have been answered before):
- Is it a bad idea to inject 1cc of Test Cyp subcutaneously? I read that anything more than ~.5cc shouldn't be injected subcutaneously, but what if I did two injections at different sites instead of a single large one? Asking because I always get super sore when getting vaccines injected intramuscularly, but I get regular allergy shots subcutaneously without any issues. Being super sore multiple times a week would make training tough.
- For injections, I'm planning on drawing with a 18g needle and injecting with a 25-27g sub-q needle. If people strongly recommend against my idea above ^^ about doing sub-q injections, I'll use a 23g intramuscular needle. Sound good?