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Thread: How to dress better?

  1. #1

    How to dress better?

    Well, I think having a killer look is crucial for women to melt for you, and wherever you go they will be shocked. The guy is high confident an alpha!

    It's no use just being muscular, you have to learn to value your own image!

    I know this kind of post isn't very appropriate when we're on a steroid forum.

    But I've gone from spending almost all my money on the gym and steroids and dieting to buying new clothes! Ohh shit, yes that's right, this post is true. Today I try to dress better, elegantly!


    I observe how some celebrities, like the fighter Conor McGregor, have their own elegant style!

    Good suits, blazers, shirts etc.

    Before you say more he is a millionaire!

    Yes it is, but it is possible to dress elegantly for little money!
    It's not the labels of famous brands that will leave you with a killer style..

    It's knowing how to buy key pieces for your wardrobe...

    A good Blazer.

    Social shirt.

    a good belt

    plain shirts

    Have casual and social shoes..

    Have some suit sets.

    This is a respectable style for creating a good image wherever you go.

    If you have any thoughts , how to dress better, I'd like to hear your opinions. That would be interesting to know.

    It would really help everyone in the community to achieve a good killer style.

  2. #2
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    Aug 2016
    Dude I show up in tattered work pants and boots and mingle with the best dressed. Don’t define yourself by clothes or looks though it does help with confidence.

  3. #3
    Well I didn't mention your name here, did you read your name in the text above?

    What I'm saying is that clothing is crucial to living in civilization.

    I also wear old clothes in my everyday life, but I've gotten to the point where I go to an event and only have rags because I spend all my money on fitness!

    The definition is not just for you, but for everyone =

    Everyone dresses the way they want, but just like taking care of our physiques,
    good clothes for hanging out, going to an event, having dinner, etc. is a basic requirement of civilization.

  4. #4
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    Okay i gotcha

  5. #5
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    If I was left to my own devices, I'd be wearing t-shirts and jeans every day. That being said, my girlfriend picks out and buys my clothes, so I've got a collection of polo shirts and slacks (although I usually just wear jeans still).

    In your case, if you're concerned that you're dressed in rags, because you spend all of your money on fitness, then you probably should spend a little less on fitness. This is a hobby for nearly all of us.

    Personally, I really don't care about being fashionable. I'd rather just dress for comfort. And when I see guys who are "well-dressed," I immediately think they're queers.

  6. #6
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    Each country has different standards for dressing. In many European countries people are much better dressed in the street than here in the US, even though they may not be nearly as wealthy as the people here. They may have a small closet with a just a small number of outfits, but they take care of them and, young women especially, looks stylish and sophisticated when going out.

    In America it’s not uncommon to see younger people walking around in pajamas and flip flops on college campuses, something you’ll never see in Europe.

    When dressing, my opinion is that you should be comfortable and wear clothes that accentuate your positive features, but don’t look like you’re trying too hard. I certainly get treated differently when wearing a collared shirt and nice pants versus when I’m wearing a t-shirt and shorts. People will literally refer to me as “sir” vs “hey man” depending what I’m wearing. I can look like a bro or like a gentleman.

    In the summer, however, you’ll rarely see me wearing anything but shorts during the day. It’s way too hot and humid here to be wearing some tight jeans. Of course, I’m not wearing gym shorts if I’m going to a restaurant.

    Each age has its type of clothing, too. When I was 18 and trying to impress my girlfriend I’d show up with a silk collar shirt and dress shoes, until she pretty much told me she likes me better in athletic outfits.

  7. #7
    Yes, each country has a way of dressing, Europeans are always in fashion.

    In my country few care about being well dressed, of course only the spoiled boy son of daddy from the elite of the upper middle class.

    I've never been one to worry about my clothes, since high school I've never been singled out for being fashionable, etc...

    I once wore the same sneakers to school, all fucked up, even as a kid for a long time.

    Over the years I spent more money on gym etc. than on clothes.

    Not that this only has the bad side, it has the good side of keeping the physique.

    But the bad thing is that it doesn't value the physique with beautiful clothes (nothing gay) but that make us look good.

    It got to the point where I was fucked! lol no shit clothes..

    Ah, go to a bar for a beer! A show! Spree!

    No pretty clothes.

    All about fitness etc.


    Everyone around him calls him sir, even though I'm not an old guy!

    Even in job interviews, they look at us differently. They don't spew arrogance like people in regular clothes.

    Of course, social clothes like suits etc... are not the kind of clothes you wear every day.

    Even more for those who live in a tropical country like me,
    but they are key pieces of clothing for any important event.

    I started to buy a lot of clothes of this pattern..

    And some clothes for common everyday situations, t-shirt, shorts etc...

  8. #8
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    Davi, I hear what you are saying. In some settings you have to dress to impress or you will have a hard time succeeding. First impressions are critical to many people and particularly at job interviews. I haven’t tried to impress a girl on a first date in 30 plus years so I guess that would be another time that first impressions count.

    In a way I feel sorry for young dudes like yourself, man so many hoops to jump through (Davi that means doing shit you don’t want to so you can be popular and succeed). Just remember to not lose focus of who YOU are and you’ll find yourself with others that you really want to be with.

    It’s exclusively Levi’s, t-shirts and my old school Stan Smith tennis shoes. Fine, I’ll put on a polo shirt if I really have to, or my Untuckit (f-belts, hate them).

  9. #9
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    Be top 10% in every area you can, clothing, education, money, self esteem, health and fitness....ect

    Do this and you will have an advantage over most men when going fishing.

    Remember, never put a woman first in your life, she is only a compliment to your life and you do not need her.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    Be top 10% in every area you can, clothing, education, money, self esteem, health and fitness....ect

    Do this and you will have an advantage over most men when going fishing.

    Remember, never put a woman first in your life, she is only a compliment to your life and you do not need her.

    Unless her name is Mom

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Unless her name is Mom
    I thought we were talking about dating.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    I thought we were talking about dating.
    Same here, no moms, but cousins & sisters are ok (as long as they’re super hot and age appropriate).

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    I thought we were talking about dating.
    Was just being silly

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Was just being silly
    Mom is #1, no one even comes close.

  15. #15
    WTH; They are saying? I didn't say dress up just to please bitches out there! I meant that dressing well, conveys a better image. Well, and when I mention the point of self-esteem, I mean, you are satisfied with yourself!

  16. #16
    BY THE WAY; I think you are right, in giving me the advice not to want to impress the people around, even more whores!..I know how the minds of whores work, they have a much greater filter when choosing a guy than just clothes he's wearing ... But like I said, if I'm well-groomed, it might be easier to fuck that hot bitch in the club, not that I'm a slave to those bitches okay?. But all of us who train and are single want to get a woman, right? Unless a guy is gay (nothing against gays either), but just giving my point of view! If I'm a new, single guy, why not try to be a more badass version = Get a good physique, a good job and a good aesthetic, clothes and style? That's what I'm talking about.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    Be top 10% in every area you can, clothing, education, money, self esteem, health and fitness....ect

    Do this and you will have an advantage over most men when going fishing.

    Remember, never put a woman first in your life, she is only a compliment to your life and you do not need her.
    Oh, I see!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Davi, I hear what you are saying. In some settings you have to dress to impress or you will have a hard time succeeding. First impressions are critical to many people and particularly at job interviews. I haven’t tried to impress a girl on a first date in 30 plus years so I guess that would be another time that first impressions count.

    In a way I feel sorry for young dudes like yourself, man so many hoops to jump through (Davi that means doing shit you don’t want to so you can be popular and succeed). Just remember to not lose focus of who YOU are and you’ll find yourself with others that you really want to be with.

    It’s exclusively Levi’s, t-shirts and my old school Stan Smith tennis shoes. Fine, I’ll put on a polo shirt if I really have to, or my Untuckit (f-belts, hate them).
    Hi bro, thanks for the advice. But don't take this post seriously, because by the way I don't live to please anyone in this world.

    I've always been a humble guy with my feet on the ground, which I will continue to be!

    I'm just balancing fitness with other expenses.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Hi bro, thanks for the advice. But don't take this post seriously, because by the way I don't live to please anyone in this world.

    I've always been a humble guy with my feet on the ground, which I will continue to be!

    I'm just balancing fitness with other expenses.
    Oh I figured Davi. But it’s tough when you are young and moving upwards. Nothing wrong with looking sharp. Clothes wise it’s so easy to get all wrapped up in what’s cool, that it is a bottomless pit in which you just keep spending to top the next person. Easy to lose yourself. Age and a great wife have a lot of advantages.

    Always great reading your threads & posts.

  20. #20
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    I dress nice, but my style. No button ups or anything like that, but my hat matches my shoes, shorts/pants and shirt have to work together.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Dude I show up in tattered work pants and boots and mingle with the best dressed. Don’t define yourself by clothes or looks though it does help with confidence.
    are the boots tied?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Unless her name is Mom
    That’s what she wants me to call her……

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Hi bro, thanks for the advice. But don't take this post seriously, because by the way I don't live to please anyone in this world.

    I've always been a humble guy with my feet on the ground, which I will continue to be!

    I'm just balancing fitness with other expenses.
    I don't know if you do this already, but go use an Excel spreadsheet and put all your income and expenses in to it. If you have it quantified out, you can see where you're spending your money and what you can cut out of your budget so that you can spend a little more on clothes (if that's what you want to do). None of us have an endless supply of cash and if you take the time to budget, you'll see you're able to get more of the things you want.

  24. #24
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    Style is for homos in my opinion. I dress for my self not other people. I know a lot of cattle famers and land owners worth tens of millions of dollars and if you judged them on how they dress you would think they are bums.

    About 12 years ago when I was about 20 I went into buy a new car but I had just finished work so I was filthy. I had a dirty singlet, thongs and ruggers on but I had 40 grand in my backpack. The salesmen just palmed me off so I walked out of there and went to another car dealership to buy my car.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    That’s what she wants me to call her……
    Dirty old man

  26. #26
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    The man makes the clothes, the clothes don’t make the man. If you want to dress up or down, it doesn’t matter…just own it.

    Certainly don’t judge a book by its cover, but nothing wrong with looking good and feeling good. Doesn’t mean it has to define you. Nothing like a nice outfit, nice pair of shoes and a little swag…no harm in that. Certainly don’t want to live and die by it, but definitely no harm either.

    I’ve seen broke mother fuckers trying to pass off as something they’re not in clothes they can’t afford (and probably left the lags on) and guys in dirty carharts with grease on their shirt that could buy and sell every single one of us.

    Again, the man makes the clothes…the clothes don’t make the man. Davi, if you feel good dressing up (I know there’s times I do) then own that shit brother.

  27. #27
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    A world without islam!!!!
    My real estate agent told me that in his sales experience people who look like they have money generally don't as they are in a world of debt and people who look like they don't have money generally do as they live within their means and are not trying to show off.

  28. #28
    There seems to be a lot to unpack here. Just throwing out my opinion here feel free to take it or leave it.

    Dressing well very much affects how one feels about themselves. If you look your best, you will ultimately feel your best. Isn't that why we are all here on this site? trying to look the best we can? Build a great physique and you'll feel better about yourself, add in dressing well and you'll be surprised at how much better you feel. And no, you do not have to spend a fortune on designer clothing. Dressing well equates to wearing the clothing that fits your body type and fits correctly. The key is to show off assets or "shapes", butt, biceps, shoulders, the eye is naturally drawn to objects that don't blend into the background. If you wear clothing that "squares you or drowns you" you will blend into the background. The less designer you wear meaning these companies that slap their logo on everything will actually make you look wealthier, because people who are wealthy don't wear articles of clothing with name brands decked out on them (with the exception of influencers making a buck or your athletes etc) self-made people do not wear clothes with names on the front/back. Now you may think "Who cares" well that is up to you. Whatever it is you are seeking, you will be taken more seriously if you look the part. You ever had surgery and the surgeon show up before changing into scrubs? No, because it sends the wrong message

    End of the day to the OP you should take what you wear more seriously for whatever your goals are it will help.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    The man makes the clothes, the clothes don’t make the man. If you want to dress up or down, it doesn’t matter…just own it.

    Certainly don’t judge a book by its cover, but nothing wrong with looking good and feeling good. Doesn’t mean it has to define you. Nothing like a nice outfit, nice pair of shoes and a little swag…no harm in that. Certainly don’t want to live and die by it, but definitely no harm either.

    I’ve seen broke mother fuckers trying to pass off as something they’re not in clothes they can’t afford (and probably left the lags on) and guys in dirty carharts with grease on their shirt that could buy and sell every single one of us.

    Again, the man makes the clothes…the clothes don’t make the man. Davi, if you feel good dressing up (I know there’s times I do) then own that shit brother.
    I agree with everything you said SampsonandDelilah nothing against your word.Thank you

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Swilderbeast View Post
    There seems to be a lot to unpack here. Just throwing out my opinion here feel free to take it or leave it.

    Dressing well very much affects how one feels about themselves. If you look your best, you will ultimately feel your best. Isn't that why we are all here on this site? trying to look the best we can? Build a great physique and you'll feel better about yourself, add in dressing well and you'll be surprised at how much better you feel. And no, you do not have to spend a fortune on designer clothing. Dressing well equates to wearing the clothing that fits your body type and fits correctly. The key is to show off assets or "shapes", butt, biceps, shoulders, the eye is naturally drawn to objects that don't blend into the background. If you wear clothing that "squares you or drowns you" you will blend into the background. The less designer you wear meaning these companies that slap their logo on everything will actually make you look wealthier, because people who are wealthy don't wear articles of clothing with name brands decked out on them (with the exception of influencers making a buck or your athletes etc) self-made people do not wear clothes with names on the front/back. Now you may think "Who cares" well that is up to you. Whatever it is you are seeking, you will be taken more seriously if you look the part. You ever had surgery and the surgeon show up before changing into scrubs? No, because it sends the wrong message

    End of the day to the OP you should take what you wear more seriously for whatever your goals are it will help.
    Thanks bro!Great! ��

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I agree with everything you said SampsonandDelilah nothing against your word.Thank you
    I think you’ve have a great mind Davi and always appreciate your contributions! Have a great week bro!

  32. #32
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    Fit is king. Your tailor is your friend. I buy a lot of custom clothes or have things altered to fit better.

    See, I wear a lot of suits and dress shirts at work and those are all custom. No one sells off-the-rack stuff that'll fit me (or most anyone here) well. You don't have to be huge, either. Just an 8-inch drop (difference between chest and waist) is the edge of extreme 'athletic cut' that's available in most OTR suits. Find a shirt with a neck and sleeve length that fits and the midsection is always comically baggy.

    I often get pants altered and look for 'athletic' cut tees for more casual wear. And stretch denim is awesome.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    Fit is king. Your tailor is your friend. I buy a lot of custom clothes or have things altered to fit better.

    See, I wear a lot of suits and dress shirts at work and those are all custom. No one sells off-the-rack stuff that'll fit me (or most anyone here) well. You don't have to be huge, either. Just an 8-inch drop (difference between chest and waist) is the edge of extreme 'athletic cut' that's available in most OTR suits. Find a shirt with a neck and sleeve length that fits and the midsection is always comically baggy.

    I often get pants altered and look for 'athletic' cut tees for more casual wear. And stretch denim is awesome.
    How’d you go about finding a tailor? I did one of those companies that send someone to you, size you, pick out from a catalog and swatches. I wasn’t a fan and believe I can get more for less money. Plus I like to feel the fabric and actually get my eyes on what the style looks like. Sometimes hard to really envision it from pictures.

  34. #34
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    I have a local tailor who I found through reviews and word of mouth. She does alterations and repairs for me. She re-made a peacoat for me and did a great job, but I'm not ready to trust her with a nice suit.

    I have ties, shirts, and suits made to fit. The painful truth is that good suits are really expensive (like thousands), but they should last, so price per wear is what you want to consider. Back at the beginning I went to places like Styleforum and followed a number of menswear blogs and stuff to better understand what I wanted and the whole process and sought recommendations for tailors and menswear stores. Typically you're going to have to go to a big city to find really good tailored suit options. I might search a lot of pics online of mens fashion to find looks and fabrics I like and then bring them with to my consultation appointment. It helps give your guy an idea of where to start with you.

    I usually do Propercloth for shirts. Decent and decently priced. Cheaper than the tailor shop. Be prepared for your first shirt(s) to need at least some tailoring if not a full remake.

    Sam Hober for ties. An absolute bargain for what you get. Choose fabric, length, width, knot. Great silks. Made in Thailand.

  35. #35
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    I like Indo chino and suit supply.

    If you go off the rack for shirts, have your tailor add “darts” to the back side…it’s not complicated and will allow for a bespoke/tailored look. Especially those of us that need shorts to accommodate bigger necks and longer arms without have a giant piece of cloth to contend with around the midsection…the darts will give you that shape

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    I have a local tailor who I found through reviews and word of mouth. She does alterations and repairs for me. She re-made a peacoat for me and did a great job, but I'm not ready to trust her with a nice suit.

    I have ties, shirts, and suits made to fit. The painful truth is that good suits are really expensive (like thousands), but they should last, so price per wear is what you want to consider. Back at the beginning I went to places like Styleforum and followed a number of menswear blogs and stuff to better understand what I wanted and the whole process and sought recommendations for tailors and menswear stores. Typically you're going to have to go to a big city to find really good tailored suit options. I might search a lot of pics online of mens fashion to find looks and fabrics I like and then bring them with to my consultation appointment. It helps give your guy an idea of where to start with you.

    I usually do Propercloth for shirts. Decent and decently priced. Cheaper than the tailor shop. Be prepared for your first shirt(s) to need at least some tailoring if not a full remake.

    Sam Hober for ties. An absolute bargain for what you get. Choose fabric, length, width, knot. Great silks. Made in Thailand.
    Back when I was dressing snappy to make a good appearance at my new teaching gig, easily realized that your tailor is your best friend. Went the custom shirt route as well for a spot-on fit & was never happier. Damn Ernst, I still remember a fair bit from when I subscribed to GQ (long ago), you know your stuff! Edit: just checked out Propercloth; nice selection and awesome prices! But right now the fanciest I’ll go is with an UnTuckit shirt to go with my Levi’s.

    I’m overjoyed now that the majority of high end restaurants out here have lax dress codes or I wouldn’t frequent them. Did I hear that the restaurant FL in Napa doesn’t require a jacket now? That might have been the last time I wore one. Now if they allowed jeans, it might be an invitation to a return visit.
    Last edited by wango; 02-25-2022 at 02:18 PM.

  37. #37
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    A client mentioned that the other day, that TFL doesn't require a jacket anymore. I haven't confirmed this for myself yet, but that's the rumor.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    A client mentioned that the other day, that TFL doesn't require a jacket anymore. I haven't confirmed this for myself yet, but that's the rumor.
    As much as I’m not into clothes now and think that news is to my liking (if true), I understand/appreciate the philosophy of dressing well for certain environments. It would definitely diminish the atmosphere dining at TFL with others in t-shirts, shorts & flip flops.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I like Indo chino and suit supply.

    If you go off the rack for shirts, have your tailor add “darts” to the back side…it’s not complicated and will allow for a bespoke/tailored look. Especially those of us that need shorts to accommodate bigger necks and longer arms without have a giant piece of cloth to contend with around the midsection…the darts will give you that shape
    Yeah, if you're going to buy a suit, you have to pony up the extra few bucks to have it tailored. Who is going to spend $500+ on a suit for it to look like it doesn't fit right?

  40. #40
    I wouldn't choose clothes based on appearance (although that is important to society) but on comfort. I like wearing tuxedos, but my body mass is not the right size in shirts and jackets, at least in my town. That's why I wear a tracksuit and air jordans at forstepstyle. For me, this is the best option because I'm used to loose clothes that don't pinch my muscles. Sometimes my clothes would tear on me, and I couldn't find the right shoe size. I was lucky enough to turn to forstepstyle and find something that allows me to move around comfortably, even in the gym.
    Last edited by maddistrong; 03-03-2022 at 06:45 AM.

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