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There seems to be a lot to unpack here. Just throwing out my opinion here feel free to take it or leave it.
Dressing well very much affects how one feels about themselves. If you look your best, you will ultimately feel your best. Isn't that why we are all here on this site? trying to look the best we can? Build a great physique and you'll feel better about yourself, add in dressing well and you'll be surprised at how much better you feel. And no, you do not have to spend a fortune on designer clothing. Dressing well equates to wearing the clothing that fits your body type and fits correctly. The key is to show off assets or "shapes", butt, biceps, shoulders, the eye is naturally drawn to objects that don't blend into the background. If you wear clothing that "squares you or drowns you" you will blend into the background. The less designer you wear meaning these companies that slap their logo on everything will actually make you look wealthier, because people who are wealthy don't wear articles of clothing with name brands decked out on them (with the exception of influencers making a buck or your athletes etc) self-made people do not wear clothes with names on the front/back. Now you may think "Who cares" well that is up to you. Whatever it is you are seeking, you will be taken more seriously if you look the part. You ever had surgery and the surgeon show up before changing into scrubs? No, because it sends the wrong message
End of the day to the OP you should take what you wear more seriously for whatever your goals are it will help.