Opinions on which vet company makes the best INJECTIBLE winny...
Can it pass through 25g no problem
Quality Vet Stan50
Denkall Stanazolic
SydGroup Anabolic ST
Jurox (Now Syd)
Opinions on which vet company makes the best INJECTIBLE winny...
Can it pass through 25g no problem
I like QV, never tried any other.
damn the shit i took clogged up a 25g like no other, worked wonders though, maybe it was just me but my reaction to it was marvelous. The only company name on it is "NATURE VET PTY. LTD. "
I know it's no longer in production, but you left off TT - there are still some floating around out there. I absolutely loved the TT gear. Thick as shit, but great stuff.
Yeah Key, I left it out just because it's as available as it used to be, it was good stuff indeed but man I couldn't get that shit through a 21g without sweating!
30ml in frasque.
It's not vet, but I feel it's far and away the best winstrol available, it never clogs in the pin even with 25g Zambons!!!
SL and RT Winnie can go through 28 gauge without clogging.
dizz, hows SL winnie? Have you used it?
I am using rt winny right now and like it alot, but Ive never tried anything else so I dont have anything to compare it to.
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