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Thread: Help Me

  1. #1

    Help Me

    I've been looking at this site for about 3 months. I decided that it was time for me to post some pics, and see what u guys have to say. I am currently 178, with below average legs, and 5'11. I want to be about 210-215 pounds, but be very lean. I just started taking creatine for the first time. I been lifting for a year, and I am wondering how I should go about losing stomach fat and while not losing noticable mass on my body. I encourage all constructive criticsm and look foward to your posts. Thankyou
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    just keep lifting, there's no way of losing 'just stomach fat''ll just have to keep hitting the weights and eat clean. if you don't already then try incorporating hanging leg raises into your routine and deadlifts

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The simple answer is diet and cardio....however, it's not always as cut and dried as that. There are other factors that dictate how lean a person can get as well. One of the most obvious is genetic predisposition. Some people have a drastically hard time getting lean no matter how hard they diet and no matter how much cardio they do. First things first.

    Tell us a little bit about ytour current diet and training regime. It all starts there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Pete as usual is right on!
    Definately diet! what ever you're eating is more important than the supplements, unless it's protein with low sugar and carbs. make sure you do enough cario in there too, looking at a treadmill won't help you as much as getting on it. Also, 1st thing when you wake up do your cardio. Best time to do it on an empty stomach. You can do crunches, ab machines, leg raises ... you name it, but if you don't' do the cardio to loose the fat and it that won't be just in your ab, it'll be all over, you'll never see them. Do them, but don't expect to see them unless you diet, train, and cardio. Good luck, you're in the right place for info..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    A bit off topic, but regarding ripsid's sign:

    "Portuguese ---- Eu não sei de nenhumas fontes" is the correct form.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Quote Originally Posted by Interficium
    A bit off topic, but regarding ripsid's sign:

    "Portuguese ---- Eu não sei de nenhumas fontes" is the correct form.
    Thanks man I'll adjust it! I don't know all the languages so your help is appreciated.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Interficium
    A bit off topic, but regarding ripsid's sign:

    "Portuguese ---- Eu não sei de nenhumas fontes" is the correct form.
    And in Spanish it's "No se fuentes"

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