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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    What is the longest cycle you would run without HCG...I want to run a cycle longer that 10 weeks like I normally do...I can get HCG but I have no clue about the stuff...I feel kind of stupid but I dont know what a IU is...This is shit I should know after being here for so long but I dont...HELP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    I only run HCG if I am on a cycle longer than 18 weeks.

    I will run it around week 12 at 500iu's a day for ten days. The only complaint I have about HCG is it makes the hair on my back grow like a mother fucker.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    What is the longest cycle you would run without HCG...I want to run a cycle longer that 10 weeks like I normally do...I can get HCG but I have no clue about the stuff...I feel kind of stupid but I dont know what a IU is...This is shit I should know after being here for so long but I dont...HELP!
    Its really depends on the user bro. Some guys may run 15 or 20wk cycles and not have any testicular atrophy. Others may. Everyone is different and will have varing sides. If you know you are prone to testicular atrophy(or even if you DON'T know) have the HCG on hand.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Isn't it true that some users will use it, even in a cycle as short as 10 weeks, in the middle of their cycle for a week.

    a 10 week cycle, use HCG for one week. a 14 week cycle for two weeks....

    Not positive, but I think it could be used like that. IU, is an acronym for International Units. It's a form of measurement.

    Not sure what an IU's equivelant is to say a much more commonly used term as g, or mg.


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