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Thread: deca and winny, first cycle

  1. #1

    deca and winny, first cycle

    well i finally got all my gear for my first cycle, i would like to thank the guys that told me to hold off until i got everything, well here is goes, i have a 10cc bottle of 200mg deca, and a 30cc bottle of 50mg winny, and i was told to get some liquid tamofixen and clomiphene, im 5"8' and kinda chunky, i had back surgery and have been enjoying the lazy life, i would like to get back to the gym hard and get back to where i was, i still have a good amount of muclse left from training for about a year and a half, anyway i would like to know what would be the best dosages to start with, and if at all possible a diet strategy i could follow

    thanks in advance
    John S

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    do u have any test? Gotta have test with deca bro, u dont want deca dick

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by John S
    well i finally got all my gear for my first cycle, i would like to thank the guys that told me to hold off until i got everything, well here is goes, i have a 10cc bottle of 200mg deca, and a 30cc bottle of 50mg winny, and i was told to get some liquid tamofixen and clomiphene, im 5"8' and kinda chunky, i had back surgery and have been enjoying the lazy life, i would like to get back to the gym hard and get back to where i was, i still have a good amount of muclse left from training for about a year and a half, anyway i would like to know what would be the best dosages to start with, and if at all possible a diet strategy i could follow

    thanks in advance
    John S
    oh i feel sorry for you...your gonne be shut down like no other...GET SOME TEST...I know youve had to of heard that 1,000,000 times if your read on this board often...

    2nd you dont have enough gear for a cycle...the 10cc bottle of deca will only last about 8 weeks...and the 30cc bottle of winny will only last you about 4 weeks if you run it at 50mg ed...

    You got the wrong anti-e also...if your using deca you need bromo to combat the prolactin/progesterone induced gyno...the l-dex would work for test...the clomid is good for your pct.

    In my opinion you need to spend the next few months reading and learning about gear b/f you ever think about doing what your doing...and you said youve "been enjoying the lazy life" have to get training and diet in check b/f starting...

    No flame bro..just hope i got the point across that your NOT ready to start gear...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You need to get yourself back into the gym and get on a good training program before you start taking any sauce. So I would hold off on the starting any kind of cycle.
    There's lots of good diet advice in the diet forums, so get yourself on a good diet, along w/ cardio 4-5 days a week.
    And when u do decide to start a cycle you're gonna need to add test to the other 2 drugs you have already, plus you'll need more deca (if u decide to use it).
    Also if this is gonna be your first one I suggest you only go with 2 compounds. Test/Winny would be better then to start with deca.
    If you do a cycle now you're just gonna gain more bodyfat and probalby end up feeling like a fat slob, so take my advice and diet down before you do anything.
    AS isn't the magic bullet, and the winny you have won't burn fat..Diet does.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Looks like cold beat me too it..

  6. #6
    i was told to get some test, issue is that i cant get any, my connection is gone and this is pretty much what im stuck with unfortunately, hmm what to do what to do, i wish i found this board before i purchased anything......

    thanks for the info guys
    John S

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    just look around for awhile. You shouldnt' be in any kind of big hurry to start anyway, cuz if you start this cycle your looking for problems, namely with your dick "deca dick".

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    save your gear until you run into some test...the get some bromo just incase you get gyno from the would probly also be a good idea to get more deca and alot more winny if you want to cut/harden at the endo fo your cycle...

    personally i would leave the deca out the first cycle, and just use the test/winny...

    READ READ READ, then get more gear and youll be good to go...youve just got learn before you jump in over your head otherwise youll put yourself in patient

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