Done a lot of research on the both. Why not the two at the same time? Say:
w1-4 D-bol
w1-8 500mgs Test-e
w1-8 125mgs Sus eod
w7-12 50mgs Winny eod
Standard PCT Clomid/Nova
Done a lot of research on the both. Why not the two at the same time? Say:
w1-4 D-bol
w1-8 500mgs Test-e
w1-8 125mgs Sus eod
w7-12 50mgs Winny eod
Standard PCT Clomid/Nova
your gonna have too much test in your body, thats 900mgs a week
Then cut the doses...
Say 300mgs Test-e/week and 300mgs Sus?
Why not just 600mg test-e then? Why mix?
Donno...that's what I was asking. Is there a practical purpose for mixing the two? Sus is already a mix of four esters right? What would be resoning to not mix a fifth?
Bump...BDTR...any ideas
first of all....test is test is test. if you enject sus. you are injecting test. if you inject enan. you are injecting test. so if you mix the two, you are injecting test.
there is no practical purpose for mixing them.
test is test, some have short esters, some have long esters.
i would stick to one test at 500 mgs ......and add something like deca
w1-4 D-bol
w1-8 500mgs Test-e or sust.....your choice (price availability)
w1-8 300-400 mgs deca
w7-12 50mgs Winny eod
Standard PCT Clomid/Nova
Right, but let's say you can't add something like Deca or Eq because of detection times and a sport...But you want something other than test and winny. Is there anything that would fit into the third week of a Test-e/winny cycle? You get plenty of info from this site...the problem is there are too many different "good" (?) opinions. For instance: test is test...yet Sus is a mixture of four different tests and it is effective, so obviously test is not test.
Sust is NOT a mixture of 4 different tests. Its a mixture of 4 different esters. Test is test and is always test.
Theres little point in running it like you have, however
250mg Sut EOD the first 10 days
250mg Sust E3D the next 20 days
Then 500mg Enenathate the next 8-10wks or whatever
Would be good. Its pretty much like jumpstarting with shorter esters, but it can utulise the sust you are wanting to use.
Other thinds to add
Tren Ace
Tren Enanthate
GH / Slin
Thanks Billy...That's exactly what I have been doing. On my fourth sus shot. One more than I was planning on kickin it back to every third day. Jumped the cycle with 2weeks d-bol.
Here's what it looks like:
w1-2 20mgs dbol
d1-10 250mgs sus eod
d10-30 250mgs sus e3d
w3-10 400mgs Test-e
7-12 50mgs winny eod (maybe ed)
Whatcha think?
Not looking for huge gains...just need to throw the ball a bit harder.
got gyno symptoms when i mixed the 2, and i never get gyno symptoms even when i was on high test dosages. it was the roller coaster effect from the sus that did it.
There's soo much info on here and various opinions about both....I was thinking that the two of them might be better in smaller doses mixed together. I think I'm going to cut the Sus...stick with the basic d-bol/Test-e/Winny....although I pitch (baseball) and am a bit concerned with the winny and joint problems. Might switch it to Anavar? or Tren?
Your thoughts appreciated...
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